Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
13 hours ago
The Tryhard
134 Achievements
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Mass Wolf Clearout

Clearing out lots of wolves to make space for new ones! Over 150 wolves looking for a new home! Some have prices written in their names and may come along with a companion. Negotiating of prices is allowed, open to offers, trades for items are allowed too. Would prefer moonstones.Wolfs that has been bred before or are in my 'Village' Den are not for sale. i can put a wolf on hold for you if you like for up to 2 weeks.

The Dens:

Domain (unbred wolfs only, 2ms to 5ms)

Shelter 1 (unbred wolfs only, prices in names)

Shelter 2 (unbred wolfs only, offer)

Shelter 3 (unbred wolfs only, offer)

On Hold:

Accepted Payments:

- Moonstones

- Pebbles

- Knuckle Bone Tokens

- KS Items

- Custom Apparel

- C.A.T.

you still can offer if you don't see it here!

5 hours ago
The Tenacious
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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Me wording this as simply as possible isn't because I think you're dumb, it's so that maybe it will also help anyone else with this problem too. We really need some kind of formatting sticky for this and the wolf/item linking tricks.

Jsyk, since you linked the dens from your personal den page (clicked from the toolbar from the mid-top-left) they won't show up, because they are essentially trying to link people to their own dens, which will result in the 0 error because user & den IDs are mismatched (of course, since nobody else will share the den IDs. They have to be unique for this game to function.)

The way to get your den links for other people to click requires you to click your own user-icon (whatever wolf you have set to be your lead) either from the very top-right or by clicking it in one of your own forum posts, so that your den appears to you how any other user's den would appear, so for example if you clicked my icon and were looking from the outside. Linking the dens from that page will allow them to work for other people and appear as you want them to!

Here is a quick link to your den, from the page that will allow your den links to work!
5 hours ago
The Tired
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Would this lovely fella be up for sale? If he is, how does 5ms sound?

His name's Yi, ID 591024, and is near the bottom of your Domain den. I also made sure he wasn't bred. :)

1 hour ago
The Tryhard
134 Achievements
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1


Thanks for letting me know! I will change it now.

Edit: I hope it works now!

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