Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
13 hours ago
Riley Volmyr
The Focused
153 Achievements
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Campaign Rank 1
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 2
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 2

so guys, I decided to start an auction to see who the highest bidder(s) will be when selling my items/materials. This auction will be open for one week, and one week only. I will list the items, how many there are up for sale, and the starting price for these items. After the week is over, I'll give the winner their items as long as they pay me back. I want all these items to be bought, which is why there will be multiple. Here's the list of items and their starting prices!

30 Amethyst gems starting at 15 MS

11 Citrine gems starting at 10 MS

1 Emerald gem starting at 3 MS

50 Silk thread starting at 30 MS

20 Copper starting at 2 MS

50 Silver bars starting at 16 MS

These are just the material items I have up for sale! In case if your interested in some apparel items instead, I have some here too!

1 Brown moorbear plus starting at 3 MS

3 Brown Mottlegill mushrooms starting at 7 MS

1 Death head mushroom starting at 2 MS

6 Silver cuff earrings starting at 9 MS

13 Copper eyebrow piercings starting at 7 MS

1 Copper gorget starting at 10 MS

1 Corn sprout starting at 2 MS

1 Dudly nose starting at 1 MS

1 Flea starting at 1 MS

4 Copper swords starting at 13 MS

1 Iron backplacte starting at 6 MS

1 Iron gorget starting at 5 MS

1 Iron helm starting at 7 MS

2 Iron nose rings starting at 4 MS

1 Iron spaulder starting at 3 MS

2 Lovehearts starting at 6 MS

2 Market crates starting at 2 MS

2 Mole hills starting at 1 MS

1 Spring leaves starting at 4 MS

1 Pair of tusks starting at 3 MS

And if apparel isn't your strong suit, I'm also selling professions!

1 Copper pickaxe starting at 3 MS

3 Copper wheels starting at 6 MS

6 Iron pickaxes starting at 15 MS

6 Iron wheels starting at 11 MS

And the last thing I'm selling is one trinket.

1 Fire opal for 19 MS

This is all I want to sell for MS, I'm sorry if you think some of it's overpriced, I'm just working towards a huge goal of getting 2 Volmyr breed changes, and trying to gain more MS as quickly as I can, remember this will only be up for a week before I close it, and there will be a new auction every Friday. I'll message you privately the Thursday before if you won the auction. I hope I listed something you want and can afford!


~The Volmyr lover~

4 hours ago
Little Daisy
The Loving
105 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Hi! I would like to bid on the brown moor bear (3 ms) and 50 silver bars (16 ms).

"Remember that no matter how sad you are, eventually your tears will dry up."


51 minutes ago
its a bit pricy for me, but let me know if someone isnt buying something, and i might be able to give a lower price.
Im Christian
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