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2 months ago
The Mimic
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Christmas Legacy Breeding Project
Hey, Lorfolk!

So, I recently saw some others in the forums sharing their wild wolf legacy breeding projects and was feeling inspired! Basically, a user takes two WWs and breeds them, using random chance to pick a puppy to continue breeding through each new generation. I thought it looked like fun and wanted to give it a try, but with my own little twist.

I somehow acquired not one, but two Christmasy WWs, and I figured that they'd be the perfect duo to begin my project with. I waited to birth their most recent nest on Christmas day to kick things off, yielding a litter of festive little holiday puppies to choose from.

EVERYTHING in my project will be randomized!
1) I'll use a number picker wheel to select a puppy from my breeding pair's litter.
2) I'll head over to the Flea Market to buy a puppy to grow alongside my chosen heir.
3) I'll narrow the results down by pebble sales of the opposite sex.
4) I'll use the number picker wheel to select a page from the results.
5) I'll then use the number picker wheel to select a puppy on that page.
6) If a puppy, whether born or bought, has plain genes I'll use the number picker wheel to select a pebble accent gene from the Mole Market.
7) I'll breed the pair once they've grown and repeat the process until I've filled the den!

Pebbles Spent on Project: 127,500p

1st Gen: Aria x Poinsettia
2nd Gen: Christmas x Eve
3rd Gen: Cider x Holly Deer
4th Gen: Figgy Pudding x Sugarplum
5th Gen: Turpentine x Toffee
6th Gen: Noel x Fig
7th Gen: Cranberry Sauce x Twilight Flurry
8th Gen: Foggy x Holiday
9th Gen: ___ x ___

This project was inspired by SillyLittlePup's Wild Legacy Breeding Challenge and Zakle's Random Legacy Breeding Project Journal.
2 months ago
The Mimic
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2 months ago
The Mimic
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I had two puppies in my Christmas litter-
-and the number picker chose puppy #1, my favorite!

Moving on to the FM, I found two pages of male puppies, and the number picker chose page #2, and puppy #8 for 10,000p! He's actually really cute, and they both have little antlers! I'm naming him Eve even though he was technically born on the 23rd. It'll look cool on the next litter's bloodline widget.
2 months ago
The Tenacious
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This seems like a fun project, definitely keepin' an eye on your results!
2 months ago
The Mimic
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@Reave - Thanks! It looked fun whenever I stumbled across others doing it, and since I had a pretty duo ready to go I figured it would give it a whirl. Give me something else to work towards while I level up professions and knock out the last of my achievements.
2 months ago
The Helpful
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Those Wild Wolves are so pretty

Sale Den

All wolves currently PWYW

Released at level 10 for KB

2 months ago
The Mimic
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@Frostine - Thank you! I'm really quite pleased with both of them. I couldn't believe how pretty they were when I stumbled across them. I've had a handful of really cool tames on the site!
2 months ago
The Helpful
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No problem and yeah it's usually difficult getting a good looking wild wolf.

Sale Den

All wolves currently PWYW

Released at level 10 for KB

2 months ago
The Mimic
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Okay! I meant to post yesterday, but life, ya know? Anyways, Christmas and Eve had their litter, and I ocne again had the picker choose between two puppies-
-and it once again chose my favorite, puppy #1! They're perfectly Christmasy, and I was gutted to think that I might not but to use them for this project, but the picker really came through for me!

Moving on to finding my new heir's mate, I only had one page of puppies to choose from this time (the market's been kinda slim lately, it seems). Out of all the puppies on the page, the picker chose puppy #3 for 1.000p! Yet another cutie! This one's giving fall vibes.

Now, Cider was super cute just on her own, however I noticed that she had a plain gene hiding her fig accent color. That won't do! For maximum randomness, I decided to take another spin on the number picker wheel to choose between all of the pebble accent genes in the Mole Market. There are currently six pebble accent genes: Brush, Cozen, Plain, Timber, Maned, and Fawn. Assigning them numbers one through six, the number picker landed on #6, Fawn for 100.000p. So while Cider had the chance to retain a plain accent, RNG has decided to give her the most expensive pebble gene instead, pfft. She now has little purple antlers!

I'll be updating my rules to include this little bonus step for what happens when a puppy is born or bought with plain genes!
1 month ago
The Helpful
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Didn't see this sooner should really have Subbed XD but I'm impressed by how well they stay on the Christmasy colours

Also semi inspired me to do RNG to breed my WWs instead of using FM pups though going to breed the g2s together then the g3s ect until I think I end up with 1 final litter for G6


Sale Den

All wolves currently PWYW

Released at level 10 for KB

1 month ago
The Mimic
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@Frostine - Thank you! I was ASTONISHED by Holly Deer for sure, and even Christmas herself. I'm trying not to look at puppy predictions before breeding to keep everything a surprise, but breeding on mobile makes it hard to do that so I'm admittedly worried that my next litter may not keep with the theme. :'D

Ohh, do it, do it, do it! It's a fun little side project to work on for sure! No real stakes involved aside from potentially missing out on using preferred puppies from the litters, but even then, you can just . . . keep them.

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