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1 year ago
Who released my pups?

Today, I put 4 pups up in Flea Market for 7 days, one after the other, and 12 hours later I got 4 messages, one after the other, that all 4 pups were released. I received the 4 messages for the money from the pups at the same time. I had checked if the pups were still there at about 10 hour after listing them and they were all there.

I dont understand why the pups were released. Surely no one bought them just to release them?

Any ideas what happened to them? they were all G2 pups.

Very curious.


1 year ago
The Lurking
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Hello and welcome to Lorwolf. Once per day you can get an event ticket for releasing a wolf + the 1000 pebbles it normally gives. If your wolves were 1000 pebbles or less someone probably DID buy them for the sole purpose of release. (they probably didn't even check if they were G2) When I personally list G2s on the flea market, I put G2 in their name. "G2 Blizzard" for example. It's not as pretty in the offspring list, but they are more likely to find loving homes. Also, list higher than 1000 pebbles. Even 1500 pebbles might be enough.

1 year ago

thank you very much for the explanation. I will remember that next time. thank you


1 year ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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Also, there is at least one thread with a raffle. The intention is to free up space in the flea market for pups that just won't sell. I've had a litter purchased by one person, who then sent it to the raffle owner to get a chance of winning a prize, and then the raffle owner released them. That is quite likely to have happened, especially if someone bought multiple and they were all released the same day!


Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

1 year ago

Ohh I can follow how that can explain the reason to release the pups. thank you


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