Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
16 hours ago
New player

Hello, I'm a player from FR who found this game recently and thought I should try it out because it's a wolf game. And uh... As usual, I'm confused on how this game works. Can someone help me and tell me the basics of this game?

15 hours ago
The Mimic
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Hey, I'm happy to try and help! What's something you needed help with?

In the beginning, things are gonna be a little slow. It took me about a month to get enough food and materials to keep myself going. You really just have to keep up with your timers. All the professions, breeding, shops, etc. have timer systems like FR. Companions have different timers, so some of them you can interact with hourly as opposed to FR's once a day thing. Pace yourself in the story campaign as you level up your wolves so you can explore higher-level areas as you unlock them in the chapter one campaign. You can revisit all areas after chapter one is complete, and chapter two is on the way.

There are a lot of guides that have lists of recipes or item drop tables for different professions and campaign locations. For cooking, it's recommended that you focus on simple recipes and gray-tier foods to prevent burning your ingredients and wasting resources. You level up quickly enough, so you won't have to worry about burning things soon!

I made some profit and XP guides for each of the professions, and a visual guide for companion synergies, but it might be a little overwhelming and irrelevant for someone starting out. Oh! Also, you can visit Marvin at the Mole Market for a free item every six hours! Sometimes he gives away super expensive premium currency items!

15 hours ago
The Mimic
492 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 23
Forum Comments: 622
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5
Oh, also, just a heads up that today is daylight savings, so timers might be wonky, and professions may not work as intended until the day resets.
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