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1 year ago
The Giant Slayer
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Can anyone help me understand wolf "value"?

Honestly the main pet site I play is Marapets where value lies in a pets name/costume/species and Lorwolf is the first petsite I've gotten into where things like 4 digit codes, etc where "value" comes from.

I see posts searching for G2, wild wolves, certain digit lengths, etc and I can't really decipher these just by looking at the trading forums alone. What are G2 wolves? What traits are desirable in wild wolves? I see that Zerda and Volmyr breeds are more valuable since you have to use moonstones to buy them along with some of the accents and markings, but other than that I don't really know what I should strive for. Custom appearances excluded since that's something I'd want to do myself. What can someone who's just started work on to trade/buy wolves with these qualities?

Also I know these are silly little pixels with no real value but most of the fun I get from these games is collecting stuff that's harder to get.

1 year ago
The Pugilist
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A lot of people who play this game came from flight rising, so a lot of the culture of what makes things valuable over there kind of just automatically applied to here. Probably other pet sites too but I'm not as familiar with others. Things like g1s, low IDs, and special IDs can add value to the pet collection.

G1s/gen 1s/generation 1 all means the same thing, a wolf that has no parents. Like your starter wolves and wild wolves. G1 collecting is very popular since you have a randomly created "blank slate" wolf that isn't connected to anything else. That's why unbred g1s are especially popular and higher value. Being a g1 doesn't inherently add value, since most are (subjectively) very ugly since their colors are random, but a wolf with nice cohesive colors or popular colors (natural, greyscale, black and red, pastel, etc.) can potentially be worth 10s to 100s of moonstones.

A g2+ is any wolf that isn't a g1. A g2 specifically is a wolf with g1 parents. I don't know the specifics on g2 collecting since I don't do it, but people especially tend to like g2 bracchus since most people aren't able to get g1s bracs, as brac breed changes were a kickstarter backer reward and are in limited quantity.

People also highly value low ID wolves, with 4 digits being the most expensive. I think there may be a small handful of 3 digit wild wolves floating around but they don't really seem to be obtainable, and most of the 3 digits were filled up with starter wolves.

I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to special ID collecting but certain nice IDs can go for a lot, things palindromes (12321), repeating numbers (99999), or things like 70000, just as random examples, are valuable to those who like IDs

1 year ago
The Inspired
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G2 stands for 'second generation', i.e wolves whose parents are both wild wolves or progenitor/custom starter wolves. G1 is just another way of saying wild wolves, wolves without listed parents.

Generally speaking, greyscale (colours in the black to white range), natural tone (brown or grey colours found in real life mammals/canids), blacks mixed with bright neon colours or pastel colours are highly sought after.


Selling Ace flag wolves! Bargain price!

1 year ago
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Hello! The value of wolves on this site is always going to be kind of subjective -- different collectors value different things, and a wolf that's not valuable at all to me might be priceless to somebody else (or vice versa). BUT with that said, there are a handful of traits that are more likely to make a wolf "more valuable."

  • Zerdas and Volmyr are, yes, generally more valuable because their breed change scrolls cost moonstones. Bracchus wolves are another valuable breed, because g1 (first generation or "wild wolf" Bracchus) were only available if you contributed to the Kickstarter before site launch.
  • Some patterns/genes also cost moonstones to apply, and are therefore more valued -- Merle and Stripes!
  • "G2" means second generation -- wolves whose parents are g1 or wild wolves with no ancestry. Some users place a lot of value on "low gen" wolves, or "pure" wolves. Although in the latter case, I've seen varying definitions: some folks seem to use "pure" to mean "both of this wolf's parents are the same breed" (ex: a bracchus x bracchus pairing as opposed to a bracchus x volmyr pairing), while others use it to mean "both this wolf's parents are of the same generation" (ex: a g2 x g2 pairing as opposed to a g2 x g4 pairing).
  • Low ID numbers and/or special ID numbers are of interest to some people! In general 4-digit IDs are rarest & most valuable, followed by 5 digits (which are much more common -- but there will never be any more created now that we're in the 6 digit ID zone!). Some people also consider other IDs special -- like palindromes (ex: ID #12321), very even numbers (ex: ID #200000), strings (ex: ID #123456), and other things like that.
  • Wild Wolves (wolves with no ancestry) CAN be very valuable, but it depends a lot on their appearance. Wolves with very "natural" colors seem popular, as well as wolves with the same color in more than one slot (called "doubles," "triples," etc. depending on how many slots match).

I hope this helps! Continuing to peruse the sales/trades forums for a while might help you get a sense of what folks are interested in & what wolves are selling for. The economy is still pretty new and not very stable, so value is hard to nail down exactly for ANY wolf.


1 year ago
The Giant Slayer
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Thank you all so much!! The gen thing seems so obvious to me now but I never got into flight rising or really any game that involves breeding. I'll stalk the trading/selling forums more and maybe try to grab a 4 digit ID eventually. Is it possible for a wild wolf to come with a 4 digit ID?

1 year ago
The Pugilist
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Yes! There are quite a few 4 digit wild wolves, although they can be pretty pricey. Actually, any non-starter wolf with 4 digits will be a wild wolf. In the time it took for the very first wave of g2 wolves to be bred, all of the 4 digits were claimed by starters and wild wolves :)

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