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19 hours ago
The Merciless
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More ways to get patterns

Hello, all! I have been looking through the suggestions and have seen quite a few related to the topic of wolf patterns.

Here’s my suggestion-


Enemy or boss exclusive patterns that can be obtained. There could be a commonly dropped pattern, which can be dropped by normal enemies. Pattern type that is a boss drop, and is usually themed around where the boss is* (ex. Icerun or Darkspine pattern) OR which boss it is (ex. Chiropta).


Pattern that is exclusive to the seasonal events. It can be gotten via the pebble path feature (I think that’s the name) or bought with 2.5k tickets. The price is a way to sink the amount of tickets, since if one grinds for long enough and quickly they can get lots of tickets per day. Reruns every year with its designated event.

*Consumed bosses may rarely drop either normal boss campaign pattern or event pattern.


Lorwolf’s anniversary may be an opportunity to release a special pattern! It could be given out every year during the anniversary, 2 copies of each (ex. Top, accent) per player. Please critique this one, though, since it is a bit iffy.


You’re exploring campaign (or doing gauntlet) and… what’s this? A tattered scroll? Combine it with 1000 candles to get a candle/ember themed pattern! Or yet- 500 hunting trophies for a camouflage themed pattern! Maybe even combine it with 100k pebbles to get a pebble themed pattern! There should definitely be a pebble fee for the crafting, as a way to sink some pebbles.

This is exactly what it sounds like- obtaining scrolls from campaign or other activities (maybe gauntlet?) will allow you to combine the scroll with a variety of items to get unique patterns for your wolves!

These might be better suited as gauntlet rewards, though…


Are you a hardened warrior ready for battle? Do you want an excuse to use the arena? Well, a warrior/war paint based pattern set could be sold for arena vouchers in the arena shop, which can encourage players to hop on the arena feature more!


Those are all for now, please feel free to critique (respectfully) since a couple of these are a bit vague. Either way, I fell like it would be cool if we had different ways to get patterns for wolves, not just the MM.


Woofs I'm looking for! | Wild Woof Hunting! | My Favorite <3 || NO FRIEND REQUESTS |

Please ping unless stated otherwise on the thread, ty!
19 hours ago
The Restless
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Yes please!! Especially craftable patterns that are made with an overabundance of items. That might be my favorite thing (until we get a pattern that uses items I don't have anything of LOL)

18 hours ago
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We need more pebble patterns before we can think about adding them in other places.
16 hours ago
The Chatty
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Yes i love this idea!!


16 hours ago
The Merciless
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We need more pebble patterns before we can think about adding them in other places.
Yeah this is definitely something we need, but my main point is that it would be great if they weren't all found in the MM for either pebbles or MS. Hopefully they release more soon!

Woofs I'm looking for! | Wild Woof Hunting! | My Favorite <3 || NO FRIEND REQUESTS |

Please ping unless stated otherwise on the thread, ty!
13 hours ago
The Weaver
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Yknow I like these ideas. A lot. Especially the candle one! I could use a firey embery pattern thing for like all of my woofs. Also I need more patterns in general for Em because I can't do much with his color scheme lol

I want more pineapples

11 hours ago
The Wanderer
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Cool idea! Support!
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