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1 year ago
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How faster is rush order?

This mechanic perplexes me.

Rush order wording it as significantly faster confuses me.

Using it seems like it's almost as fast as my current normal cooking speed (+23) but it feels...not really different, not even faster?

What is it? x2? sure doesen't feel like it if it is. Has anyone figured out the speed change?


Beep Boop

1 year ago
The Legion
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@Pizza I just placed a regular order of catfish and timed each individual cooking and then a rush order. Catfish are normally supposed to last 1 minute. However, due to my level it lasted about 44 seconds (which checks out, I am lv55 meaning I get a 27.5% speedbonus).

Then after I put in a rush it only took about 25 seconds to cook a catfish. It's hard to say for sure cause my internet is spotty, but that seems to be about a 45% speedboost after my level speedboost or an additional 30% on top of my level speed boost (because I only calculated it at lv55 it is impossible for me to say how it is calculated exactly.)


1 year ago
The Tryhard
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Interesting! merely ~30% speed bonus seems just in line with being barely noticeable.
I should check out how your results compare with my catfish at level 47


Beep Boop

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