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1 year ago
The Matchmaker
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Wild wolf worth?

I just got my first wild wolf and I'm wondering what they go for / how I can tell, like... what the value of this young man is? I probably want to keep him! But I have two main questions:

1. Are wild wolves worth more than normal wolves? Why? (okay sorry that's 2 questions right there)

2. Is he more valuable if I don't breed him?

I really love him already so, probably not going to sell, but I wanted to know more about how to price him or other wild wolves in future, if I did want to. Thank you!!


A DID system with 200+ members. Fairy, vampire enthusiast, not a kid.

1 year ago
The Nimble
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1- Wild wolves can breed with any wolf, essentially, which is why they are valuable. They've got a blank slate so to say.
2- If you plan on selling him, it seems most people dislike them being bred. Some people don't care. Just be upfront about it if you fall out of love with him.

3- Congrats! That's a very well put together Wild Wolf, and I admit I am slightly jealous. XD Such good luck!

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
1 year ago
The Matchmaker
He/him + They/them
188 Achievements
General Rank 3
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Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

Ahh thanks so much for both the answers, which are very helpful, and the congratulations! I'm so happy with him, I definitely feel lucky. ;;


A DID system with 200+ members. Fairy, vampire enthusiast, not a kid.

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