Going a step further from custom apparel:
Make an extra category of player made customization!
Customized patterns and pelts seem to already be a very popular CA item, but i want to go a step further:
Pelt/Marking custom items that work the same as regular pelts and patters (heritability is a maybe??)
As those do probably take a different amount of effort to make than traditional Custom Apparel i suggest to make the Token item for creating them be able to be bought either for a lower amount of Moonstones than the other CAT or make both be able to be purchased for either Moonstones or Pebbles.
The Pebbles cost being á lot higher so that this will also act as an Pebble sink.
I do not think it is feasible to offer the Special Pelt Token for Pebbles and the Custom Apparel Token for Moonstones as that would be uneven.
Also, i want to add that, in longer running games like this one Customization and or Modding is literally Everything. I have seen some ten year old games that still retain their playerbase just because of lots of customization options / Mods being avaiable!
Just saying lol :)
Andy Ideas or further Suggestions?