Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
3 hours ago
The Wanderer
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Custom patterns

Going a step further from custom apparel:

Make an extra category of player made customization!

Customized patterns and pelts seem to already be a very popular CA item, but i want to go a step further:

Pelt/Marking custom items that work the same as regular pelts and patters (heritability is a maybe??)

As those do probably take a different amount of effort to make than traditional Custom Apparel i suggest to make the Token item for creating them be able to be bought either for a lower amount of Moonstones than the other CAT or make both be able to be purchased for either Moonstones or Pebbles.

The Pebbles cost being á lot higher so that this will also act as an Pebble sink.

I do not think it is feasible to offer the Special Pelt Token for Pebbles and the Custom Apparel Token for Moonstones as that would be uneven.

Also, i want to add that, in longer running games like this one Customization and or Modding is literally Everything. I have seen some ten year old games that still retain their playerbase just because of lots of customization options / Mods being avaiable!

Just saying lol :)

Andy Ideas or further Suggestions?

2 hours ago
The Hoarder
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I fully support. As I've made a ton of marking CA's, this would be an incredibly fun feature to mess with if implemented!

I'm an artist, feel free to DM for commissions :)

I really... REALLY like 💚 Green💚

I really like dinosaurs

2 hours ago
The Restless
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This is a no support for me. I'm someone who doesn't really play around with CAs in the first place because I'm more invested in things like breeds and markings which staff are supposed to be delivering on, so something like this would probably just turn me off from the game permanently. I do recognize its a very nice idea for customization, but it's just not a direction I'd want to see the site go in.

Also, the point about modding doesn't... really apply here? Petsites aren't something you can really mod without straight up making another website to play by different rules. Flight Rising is a game that's been around for a decade, for instance. They've managed to stick around for a number of reasons (and good luck), but that has had nothing to do with users being able to partake in more customization than the site already allows.

2 hours ago
The Wanderer
282 Achievements
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 3
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 3
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 3
This is a no support for me. I'm someone who doesn't really play around with CAs in the first place because I'm more invested in things like breeds and markings which staff are supposed to be delivering on, so something like this would probably just turn me off from the game permanently. I do recognize its a very nice idea for customization, but it's just not a direction I'd want to see the site go in.

Also, the point about modding doesn't... really apply here? Petsites aren't something you can really mod without straight up making another website to play by different rules. Flight Rising is a game that's been around for a decade, for instance. They've managed to stick around for a number of reasons (and good luck), but that has had nothing to do with users being able to partake in more customization than the site already allows.
Okay, thanks for the feedback!
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