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1 year ago
The Matchmaker
He/him + They/them
188 Achievements
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Multiple users in same household?

Hello! I hope this is the right way to ask about this, and if not, my apologies.

I have joined quite recently, and I read the rules, but didn't find anything that seems to directly address my question. My spouse LOVES browser games, like me, and we play many of them together. They've shown some interest in joining Lorwolf, but I don't want there to be any chance of either of us getting in trouble over it, as we sometimes use the same devices / have the same IP address depending on the day. One of my siblings in the same house actually also expressed some interest in joining, though her IP address / devices should always be different from mine or my spouse's.

My question is, what is the protocol, if there is any yet, for players who share a household? Do we just need to inform staff? Put the fact we have same-household players on our profile? Submit a ticket asking permission first?

Thanks so much to anyone who helps. I thought to submit a ticket to ask this question, but I decided against it since it seems like the Support feature is more for when there's problems than for general questions. ^^;;


A DID system with 200+ members. Fairy, vampire enthusiast, not a kid.

1 year ago
The Curious
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multiple people under the same roof are allowed to play without informing staff ! the reason people get nervous about this is because of the potential suspect of multiaccounting, but as long as your accounts act independently of one another and it doesn't look like you're funneling resources from one account to the other in the form of mass trading, when one of the accounts has seemingly no other activity, you both are free to play under the same roof with no issues :)


1 year ago
The Matchmaker
He/him + They/them
188 Achievements
General Rank 3
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

Hurray, that's awesome! Lorwolf is a fantastic game, and I'm really happy I can share it with them. Thanks for answering so fast too! :O


A DID system with 200+ members. Fairy, vampire enthusiast, not a kid.

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