@Darkfeather I am! Sole Im only wanting pure gems for (140kg with a potential to auction) but Id take it partial for my crown! Im not too sure how much cloudy wings are going for, the last time I bought some they were at 80kg, do you happen to know what theyre at now?
Thats what I bought mine for actually lol. I don’t current have the gems to make up for the rest though. But I’ve got some really nice G1s like a 7 digit double shadow and a double buttercup I can offer or some others if those don’t interest you.
@Heaven hello! I'm not sure I'll have enough to afford any, but I was wondering how much you were wanting for the following wolves: Lyko (22613), Solana (42930), Solovine (17674) and Solria (23094), thanks!
Sounds good!! Ill hold onto the crown for ya until youve got the rest unless you wanna pay me now and I can give you the crown and you pay me back within 2 weeks? ^^
Unfortunately yeah ): Im only wanting pure gems
Im not at my computer right now but when Im home from work Ill take a look and DM you prices!!