To be honest I would really really really hate if my wolves offspring showed up as id numbers instead. I would also dislike nicknaming on my end as I like to see what people name my wolves pups! I love to see the names of the puppies and I love seeing released wolves in the list as well, to me its like they're out exploring, maybe joining wild packs or something!!! It makes breeding fun and exciting in my opinion!
I do dislike the way the list shows up in 2 columns though it gets really cluttered with longer names and will only get more cluttered as id numbers get bigger I wish they showed up as a vertical list instead and displayed in a way that accounted for character limit, so even if a wolf has the longest name allowed it shows up with the id on one line without cutting off. Would be easier to read and look nicer I think.
I personally like seeing the id with the name, but wouldn't be that bothered to only see the name either. I would prefer the name to show up in front of id number if both are displayed as I think it much easier to read. Seeing only id numbers would be very very difficult for me I have a hard time looking at large lists of numbers its just not readable and would make it extremely hard to look for a specific wolf in the offspring list, which is something I do pretty often on here. Some of my wolves have a few pages of offspring already and it would honestly be a nightmare to look through those if it was all numbers. It's also important to me to be able to look through my wolves lineage and ancestors and whatever, so I wouldn't want a change that makes it hard or impossible for me to see offspring lists on other people's wolves either. Readable offspring lists is important to actual gameplay, aesthetically pleasing ones is just cosmetic and should take second place to usability.
I don't think people should feel concerned about naming their wolves silly things. It's THEIR wolf, they can name it what they want. It's absolutely not "ruining" the offspring list! If people are harassing others over what they name their own wolves the harassing player should either have to stop treating other players badly or have their account banned and that should be the end of it imo. If people want to be picky about their wolves offspring lists then they should reconsider breeding/studding their wolf instead of trying to control other people's gameplay.