Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
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2 months ago
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I liked the other events more than the Goldsea Event

I liked the previous events more because they released new items weeks later keeping the event fresh and new and giving us something to look forward to. Now that all the apparel and companions were released at the beginning, the event is kind of boring now. This is despite the fact that I love the beautiful items and companions. What are your thoughts?

2 months ago
The Nimble
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I liked being able to plan for the sets I wanted rather than sitting and trying to scramble last minute for tickets.
-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
2 months ago
The Sensational
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I feel like it kept interest in the season when we were waiting to see the new apparel. However, you can see in the player feedback section of the forum post introducing the Goldsea seasonal event that majority of player disliked it and now all new apparel will be introduced at the start of the seasonal event. But yes I feel like having the event evolve or get access to something new in the middle of the season would be nice:

2 months ago
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I might just be a more straightforward person but I prefer all the expectations to be set upfront. I like knowing what prizes I want from the start so I can generally plan out how many tickets I want to try to get.

I could be wrong but I don't think the intent was for people to play all month long. The event is open for a month so people get a chance to earn the tickets they need, without feeling rushed, especially in the summer when a lot of people tend to travel or have other plans.

I love nearly all the prizes this time too, such pretty designs.

2 months ago
The Exhausted
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That was only done for Murkwood though, Icerun's had everything else out at the start too.

And tbh I like it better that way. Having everything released now makes it easier to plan.

Not to mention that the Murkwood stuff wasn't released until like, what, the last week? It felt like they almost forgot to add them. We didn't get much time to save for them.


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2 months ago
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I could be wrong but I don't think the intent was for people to play all month long. The event is open for a month so people get a chance to earn the tickets they need, without feeling rushed, especially in the summer when a lot of people tend to travel or have other plans.

^That makes a lot of sense. Also, during the Murkwood event , I feel like some people missed the fact that new items were going to be released later and because of that spent all their tickets without realizing it.
2 months ago
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^ Yea for sure!

The Icerun event was very different too- all the items were available at the start, and many of them were also labelled as soft-retiring. There was a lot more retiring stuff and the pressure to grind was significantly higher. It was only rolled back to 2 pairs of retiring companions and 1 set of retiring apparel near(?) the end of the event. Overall it's seemed like a progression of the devs listening to feedback and changing accordingly

2 months ago
The Companion
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i love that everything has been released at the beginning. i wish that had happened for Murkwood (i didn't participate in Icerun so i can't comment there but i'm sure i'd agree on the same). i enjoyed Murkwood more because -

1) the apparel was much more to my tastes
2) i'm having abysmal luck with WW (in that i haven't brought home ANY thus far, where i was bringing home 1 at least every third day or so during MW)

But it is what it is and we shall see what happens next.

We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder.
2 months ago
The Legion
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Definitely agreeing with what Husky and Wolfster said; since people have lives, jobs, households etc, being online the entire month to grind endlessly for this event is just not an option (or a very unhealthy option) for many. Having to wait to see what is released near the end of the month to then try and scramble to get everything you want is no fun (to me). So I am very happy and grateful the devs listened to the feedback a lot of people gave during the Murkwood event and released everything in one go.

2 months ago
The Bear
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I prefer when everything is available from the very beginning. Everything is clear and I know how many tickets I need to farm to get what I want. During Murkwood event I felt rushed when suddenly there were two whole new sets to grabs. Somehow I missed information they would appear later. But regardless: now we have whole month to plan when to play more and farm those tickets while not being forced to farm them two or even one (don't remember how it was exactly) week before event ends.


1 month ago
The Trailblazer
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I'd prefer that we knew what to save for right at the beginning. Not everyone has time to scramble during the last week to try and get the items that were released there. I think it was only done because the recolors weren't finished yet, but I could be wrong.

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