Isopods? Isopods?
I love isopods, I keep p. scabers in a few enclosures and I'm curious who else loves to keep them.
Do you know that isopod keepers may be overly scared of not giving proper calcium for their isopods?
Do you know if you have wood and bark in your enclosure you already gave your isopods a source of calcium? Yes there is calcium in wood!
Mulberry leaves are good calcium, the all-popular cucumber snack is rich in calcium and so are carrots. I give my isopods some mint as a treat, it has good calcium in it too and plenty of other leafy greens will do the trick too.
Never hurts to give them a little egg or bone as a supplement source of calcium, but you can rest assured that if you happen to not have extraobvious calcium in your enclosure, your isopods get enough from dietary sources alone ;D