Lorwolf Secret Santa
signups close Nov 30, 23:59 LW timeSantas will be assigned Dec 1-3
you need to respond to this PM so your elf knows you are still active! if you haven't responded within 1 week, you may be removed from the game
reminders will be sent out periodicallygifts are due to your elf before Dec 21, 23:59 server time
Welcome to the first annual Lorwolf Secret Santa Exchange!
Secret Santa is a popular holiday gifting game where everyone is randomly assigned someone else to gift. You aren't allowed to tell anyone who you are gifting and you won't know who is going to gift you until gifts are sent (or maybe not at all, if your Santa has chosen to remain anonymous!). The entire point of this is to collect gifts for the person you are assigned for and to give them out for Christmas! LWSS will be using elves to make sure that everyone who sends a gift receives a gift back. If you do not send your gift, you will not receive one either.
Please remember when participating that this is a gifting event for people who want to make Christmas more special for others. We encourage our participants to be as generous as they want & to gift others without expecting the same value or more back from their Santa.
🎄 All Lorwolf rules apply
🎄 Do ask questions! Thats what the elves are for.
🎄 Do try to give your person an amazing gift
🎄 Do remain anonymous!! When searching for your gift, try not to make it obvious for your person to figure out that you are their Santa. If you have questions for them, ask your elf to ask for you, do not PM them and spoil the surprise!
🎄 Do be grateful for your gift! Your Santa tried their best to get you something nice, please appreciate their efforts!
🎄 Don't be mean/bullying/harass other players. Again, LW rules apply. If there is a problem, please contact me or your elf. If they are breaking LW rules, please report them!
🎄 The purpose of the event is to allow players to gift others because they want to - not because they expect an equal/better gift in return! If you are only joining because you are hoping to receive an expensive gift, this may not be the game for you :)
How To Play
Once registration closes, you will receive a Secret Santa and be assigned someone to be a Secret Santa for. Throughout the month of December, you will collect gifts for the person that you are a Secret Santa for and send it to your elf before the deadline. Your elf will then make sure your gift meets the tier requirement and send the gift out before Christmas Day is over on LW time.
We have 3 tiers available plus a Wild Wolf Exchange. You can participate in 1 tier, the WW Exchange, or 1 tier & the WW Exchange
Tier 1 - 50,000p | Tier 2 - 25 moonstones | Tier 3 - 50 moonstones
🎄 your gift needs to be a minimum value of your chosen tier.
🎄 you of course may gift as much as you would like to! generosity is encouraged!!
🎄 it is encouraged but not required to get at least 1 main (valuable) gift plus a few stocking stuffers (items of lower value)
🎄 art is considered a stocking stuffer. exceptions may be made if the giftee really wants mainly art (please contact your elf if this is the case so we can work something out).
🎄 wolf values are subjective. if a wolf is a large part of your gift/its value is needed to meet the tier minimum, elves will do their best to determine the current market value of the wolf. elves have final say on this - we will do our best to be fair to both the Santa and the giftee!
🎄 if you have gifts that will need to arrive later, that is fine but they will not be included in the minimum value of the gift (example: if you want to gift someone a pup that you plan to birth on Christmas Day, you may do so and send it yourself when the puppy is born, but since the elf does not have the actual puppy to send out, its value will not be counted towards the tier minimum)
Wild Wolf Exchange
🎄 the minimum requirement is 1 wild wolf.🎄 you may find it yourself, use a hunt to get it, or you may purchase it
🎄 you should try to do your best to find a wolf that your person will like!
🎄 "DIY kits" (aka, 50 knucklebones) are only allowed if for example, your person has specified that they really want a Christmas born WW. You are encouraged still to provide an actual wolf as part of your gift though! The whole point of this tier is to exchange a Wild Wolf, not make someone hunt it down themselves :)
🎄 you may gift more than 1 wolf, but please be mindful of den space.. your giftee may not have room to accept the 10 WWs you want to gift them!
🎄 elves are not required to accept the WW into their den until they are ready to send gifts
🎄 if you do not accept your WWE wolf by January 1st, then unfortunately you are at risk for forfeiting your WW gift. Den space is limited so your elf can not hold onto it forever. The wolf then will become Secret Santa property & may be used at LissaJo's discretion for future prizes of games I host (let's hope we don't have to worry about that & everyone claims their wolves! this is just me covering my bases as a precaution so nobody can say they weren't told)
This is a bit belated, but please welcome our elves & wild wolf wranglers: appyfilly, Brunette, Ezra, foxriddles, & kidkeeper!
They will be here to help you out throughout Secret Santa!
Elf Apps Close Nov 15th, 23:59 LW time!
I will be needing a few elves to help pass out gifts! Elves help SS run smoothly by acting as the messenger between Santas & their giftees. They also will send out important PMs pertaining to the game and gifts!
If you are interested, please fill out the form below. I will let all elf applicants know within a few days of closing if they have been accepted this year.
You can be an elf AND participate if you want to do so too! Multiple elves means we can keep the magic alive for you too ;)