Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
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1 year ago
The Itchy
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[Campaign] Cooldown

2 of my campaign party (the two most recently added) are showing a 1 hr cooldown. Above the party it still says "Cooldown is 15 mins" but both wolves in question are counting down from 1 hr.

- I've waited until the 45 min mark to see if it would reset, have refreshed the page, cleared cache. The error(?) persists.

-I've swapped out the remaining 3 wolves and saved the party. The buggy countdown wolves are still working on their inflated countdown (currently ca. 40 min remaining), the newly swapped out wolves are showing the usual 15 min countdown.

Edit: (I'm on PC using Firefox)

1 year ago
The Itchy
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Update: the 3 wolves that initially showed the 15 min cooldown have now also increased their cooldown

1 year ago
The Wanderer
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Cooldown issues might be affecting more timers: fishing is now 2h for me instead of one.

edit: i also just realized that while the page is loading the time is “normal” and once it’s fully loaded it jumps to an hour more:

In case it matters, I’m on mobile (iPhone; iOS 16.6.1) using Safari.


1 year ago
The Lurking
🇮🇹 She/her, INFP
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It does definitely affect more timers, I was doing the Gauntlet and after the first fight the timer for the next was 1h too.

I'm playing from mobile using Android and Chrome.

1 year ago
Bone Copy
The Boneweaver
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might be something to do with today's switch to winter time in many countries?


what came first, bone copy or bone paste?

1 year ago
The Lurking
🇮🇹 She/her, INFP
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I've just noticed that companions are doing this too, low tier companions like Basidio and Radiant Kuzma now have a 2h cooldown.

1 year ago
The Curious
🇫🇷 Woof
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Affect Gauntlet too.

Someone did an oopsie during an update. This can be considered game breaking.

@Quiche : Sorry to ping yo, this is just to make the team aware of this bug. And you are the best person that can contact a dev about that.


- Doesn't touch the Hunt cooldown

- Leaving the Gauntlet page and coming back to it makes the count-down work normally, so the back end count-down work? Could this be a JS front end problem?

- Could this be linked to time saving that happened last night? This 1h cool down bug happened just after that, it's too close to be a coincidence.

ADHD scattered brain, if I forgot about something, please poke me.

Bork, Bark, Byork! It's AWOOOOOOO o'clock!!!

1 year ago
Bone Copy
The Boneweaver
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LOL i tracked down what was causing it because i was too curious. it is a frontend issue, it only happens in the day after switching between winter/summer time for people in the east hemisphere, and if it doesn't get fixed by march, we're gonna get negative times

so the startRefreshTimer() function has this variable

fullDaysRemaining = Math.floor((timerEndUTC.getTime() - nowLocalTimezone.getTime()) / 864e5)

if you're east enough that your current local time is higher than timer ending time in UTC, it equals to -1 (negative 1 day)

and when the same function checks your difference with UTC to convert current time to UTC later*

var timezoneOffset = (new Date).addDays(fullDaysRemaining).getTimezoneOffset()

it gets the timezone offset of the previous day. which had a different timezone

* which it

  1. doesn't actually need to add any days for, it's literally current time
  2. doesn't need to do at all, you could just use Date.parse() properly to convert everything to local timezone, or you know, timestamps

current time in utc even gets sent from the server in the timer element's attributes, i guess that wasn't the case when the function was written

hunt cooldown isn't affected because it's updated by a different function[why?] which uses the utc current time attribute and doesn't have this problem


what came first, bone copy or bone paste?

1 year ago
The Curious
🇫🇷 Woof
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@Bone Copy nice, I had a hunch about that, but I don't know JS at all. I was surprised the code didn't show timestamps or the use of a standard datetime lib. If even Bash and PowerShell have one, JS must have one too. XD In general, they are easier to use and more powerful than doing your own time manipulation.

ADHD scattered brain, if I forgot about something, please poke me.

Bork, Bark, Byork! It's AWOOOOOOO o'clock!!!

1 year ago
The Achievement Hunter
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The arena is also affected and pretty much unplayable because you can't even see the battles and miss turns if you don't constantly refresh the page.

1 year ago
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@Darwin @DerpFox @Bone Copy @Hyatha @Igritte @Nobody Thank you for the ping! The Dev Team have been notified about this issue.

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