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1 year ago


i will say that the rule your quoted is a pretty common one across most pet sites. but usually it's with the intention to avoid people arguing publicly about their warnings or bans and the like.

but i completely agree with you, how are you supposed to know if your comments on those topics were ok or not? how are you supposed to know if you received any account 'strikes' or 'penalties' for the comments you made?

without even the moderators saying something, i have no idea how they expect people to know how to appropriately talk about certain subjects within the ToS.

very early on i had a comment of mine deleted with no word, nothing. i had to ask someone off site who i knew was a mod why i didn't get any kind of notification, and only after that did i finally get a message from Korvo, hours after my comment was deleted.

it's not that hard guys :(

1 year ago
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I've looked into this. You should receive a message similar to a Market Purchase message when a moderator takes action regarding your threads, posts and other account actions. The only time you should receive a DM is with account warnings.

All moderator actions are also logged on our end with ToS/Etiquette explanations for internal review that players should receive a copy of. If you have not received this, then this is an unreported bug.

I'll move this thread to the Bug Reports forum, updating the Bug Index and the title name shortly. The Dev Team have been notified of this significant issue.

In the meantime, Moderators will send DMs or post on the thread itself regarding threads, posts and account actions to accommodate this bug. Please remember our Moderators are volunteers, and for any questions on moderating, please message the Support Ticket Team. If you have had a thread or message moderated and you'd like to see a copy of the account action explanation, please message me, and I can retrieve that for you.

I apologise for any frustrations and confusion surrounding moderation and this bug.


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1 year ago
The Trailblazer
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I got my art on one of my wolves removed for "implied" nsfw and they asked me to crop out the box I already cropped out...? It took me a VERY long time to do that full body artwork and when I reached out for help, I got no reply. So, the support ticket system either doesn't work, or we're just not being replied to. Either way, Quiche needs to advocate for better communication for themselves because it's not fair all of this is on their shoulders.


1 year ago


i appreciate the explanation, but I've seen a lot of players complaining that they are receiving no reply when placing support tickets. :(

i understand that this is the system and how things should flow, but i am struggling when it seems like no matter what people do, it's like pulling teeth to get responses.

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