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1 year ago
Current value of wolves?

Had a volmyr pair... I recall that I was selling around 40ms for babies and now I cannot sell them for 1ms.

So I am curious what the current state is in general. Low digit, g2 and wild wolves I'm assuming have the most value.

I take it that species generally doesn't matter much unless certain circumstance. ( e.g. low id with rare breed change, braccus breed changed)

I'm not sure why to breed at all right now. Should I just release my extra volmyrs I wonder....

1 year ago
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I think most people are running out of available den space, unfortunately. Most people have either hit the limit of 500 wolves or run out of MS to increase the number of dens, and in both scenarios they would tend to buy fewer wolves for lack of available space.

1 year ago

I have been able to sell two of my 4 digit wolves in the past month or two, but otherwise there has been little to no interest.

There's a very high supply of wolves but not much demand. Until we get additional site features that encourages releasing wolves or something it's probably going to stay about the same as it is now.

1 year ago
The Lucky
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Market is also suffering from a chain reaction.

Lack of updates means people get bored and lose interest.
When they lose interest, they stop donating, and they move on.
Players that remain that want the high ticket items are then buying them from those players for off-site currency. So now, instead of them buying MS from LW, they're buying gems from FR.
Less MS circulating gets amplified by the amount of MS dumps. Den upgrades, profession upgrades, non-starter breed changers and markings, besprinklers, CATs, etcetc. This is all MS permanently removed from circulation.

So now if MS generated (through donations) is lower than MS consumed (through the above), MS in circulation starts to decrease. And when people see this, they start to hoard. Stuff becomes harder to sell, smaller items don't move at all.

1 year ago
The Tired
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Yeah the hardest things are what we're mentioned above. Too many MS sinks/not enough MS generation is one I see (and personally notice) a lot.

The biggest problem with selling and breeding wolves is there just isn't enough incentive or mechanics to release more than 1 wolf a day to the wild. Training to 10 takes most people a week of casual campaign, so of course it's only rhe people with a lot of time and space who can release wolves consistently.


1 year ago
The Resourceful
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From what i've noticed is we now have very contrasting wolf prices - some really pretty WW will go for 1k moonstones to a CA creator, the rest will barely scrape 1MS on the flea market. Unfortunately you hit a maximum on this game where more wolves are just to look at, so you start only buying/collecting things you really like.

The near-instant doubling of the price of a moonstone also really hurt the wolf market.
Forum thread - What would you do: To fix the economy?

But to be fair, the site is very new and I do believe a lot of wolves were significantly overpriced, and the game is just levelling out, as a lot will naturally need to become release fodder.

1 year ago
The Tenacious
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Acinonyx, Sheepslayer & Kitariki all more or less have the right of it. Game is stagnating with a lack of consistent updates since launch; a lot of players are going into "wait and see" mode to see if the game can improve (and so are focused less on breeding projects), and without any incentives to release excess wolves, like every other pet site that has existed for the last decade+, there isn't really anything encouraging a healthy flea market turn over. :P

I have seen user raffles that are trying very hard to function as a stopgap measure, and that's been very admirable to see & should be encouraged! But it can't replace active game mechanic changes and improvements, unfortunately.

It's also why people are preferring to use FR gems over LW's own native premium currency for buying on the site itself. People see FR gems as more of a safe & useful investment even if they aren't liquidating and leaving, despite how many moonstones it takes to max profession slots & dens (and how difficult it is to fulfill those as a FTP player before you get bored, unless you make CA's). It's a kind of self-perpetuating issue, but you can't really blame people for it, it just makes the most sense with the state of things.


That said, a lot of wolves are also overpriced and probably will continue to be for a while-- usually in these pet games, the mean general price of your "fodder" will rest somewhere near (+ or - varies) whatever benefits you can get for releasing them, which isn't very high for wolves here... More uncommon color combos that are also attractive can usually sell for more, with the caveat that it can be more profitable in the long run to release dogs that don't sell in a timely fashion yourself, rather than letting them go for a pittance and thus increase the likelihood that they become more common faster. That really only works in the beginning eras of games like these, as nothing will be uncommon forever provided there is enough churn! I could see it being a more prolonged period on LW, but that is countered by a smaller buying market & breeder's patience/lack of space.

1 year ago
The Golden
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The major points are very well explained above, and I'd add one more. People may be waiting to spend anything. I'm hording currency for the big update that's coming. The last thing I want is to be short of currency when the new stuff drops, so I'm stockpiling big. Once the update happens the FM may pick up a bit.

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