Somehow I can't seem to be able to send pictures in pm's, It just shows up as a small white outlined square. Even though it will appear while in the typing section.
Make sure your image is not too big for the page. Reduce the resolution and size of the image if it is too large.
Make sure your image is saved in a compatible format, such as .jpg, .png, or .gif
It works best if the image is uploaded and hosted on a site, like Imugr, then right-click and copy the image address.
Make sure the code looks something like this: (You can click on "Code View" to check. Could be a simple issue where there isn't a .png, etc at the end!
<img src="">
If all else fails try clearing your browser's cache and loading the image again.
『 "I can turn to that day as though it were a page in a book. It's written so deeply upon my mind I can almost taste the ink." 』