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1 year ago
The Nimble
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How far, would each breed jump?

Not including wings in the case of Volmyr's, since that is an advantage, how far do you think each breed could jump? I do still think Vols would be able to jump pretty darn far, given they really only have back legs, and those back legs need to be strong to actually yoink their food in hunts. I think that Lupins likely have the least distance they are able to jump, because they seem more grounded.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
1 year ago
The Weaver
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Ya I'd say Vols would be pretty far

Pretty sure Bracchus would be second. The males are super bouncy

Kits are also bouncy.

Jocols could probably get a decent distance

Lupins could still do it better than

Zerdas, which are really tiny.

Okay that was odd

If anyone is going to talk about my weird reply, please ping me! And remember that I'm Silvershadow, not Silvershadows.

Have a nice day!

Also, nice new lead wolf! WHAT DID I DO-


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1 year ago
The Helpful
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I think vols would cheat and use their wings to glide for some extra distance! lol

1 year ago
The Matchmaker
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Zerdas need to work on their legs lol...

Volmrys would definatley cheat

Jocal I give a 8/10 for best jumper

Lupin a 5/10

kit a 4/10

bracchus a 9.5/10

zerda a 3/10

Volmry a um,...(They don't qualify since they got wings.)


"There are not winners, only survivors"

1 year ago
The Curious
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Disclaimer: this is from a combination of my own memory and some quick searches and double-checking between various results, so feel free to look up stuff to double check and/or get more accurate information.

Gonna start off with Zerda:
Zerda are based on the fennec fox, which are pretty decent jumpers for their size, though from a quick search, it's mostly height and not distance. Either way, they'd likely be pretty good at taking a fall, thanks to the fluff, and small size overall. Though, notably, looking at the weights for my Zerda, at least, it seems they're quite a bit heavier than the fennec fox itself. So, overall, pretty decent, likely can jump 2-3 times their own height into the air, but not the greatest at distance.

Based on the Coyote, iirc, they'd likely be rather good jumpers. Just from a quick search, it seems coyotes can jump somewhere about around 6 or 7 feet into the air, and an impressive 10 to 12 feet forward.

Based off of the Grey Wolf, if I'm remembering correctly. From some quick searches and whatnot, it seems that a wolf's jumping prowess is probably a bit lower than a coyote, but still rather impressive, and close enough to it to keep up with them. So, probably about the same, if a slight bit weaker than the Jocol's jumping.

Based on the Red Fox, they'd be pretty decent. Red foxes seem to be capable of jumping a good 4 to 6 feet into the air, though I can't seem to find a distance, and I don't feel like putting more time into this right now. Maybe I'll come back later, lol. Either way, as the largest of the true foxes, they are at least better jumpers than Zerda (the smallest canid), just thanks to being larger, giving them more distance overall.

Based on the Maned Wolf.
I can't seem to find any distances or heights for their jumps, and they mostly rely on their long legs to simply run down prey. I'd guess that they probably are slightly weaker jumpers than wolves, thanks to being adapted to mostly flatter areas, (iirc), but they do also have the advantage of very long legs. So, decent-ish?

Based on the Fruit bats aka Megabats aka Flying Foxes.
Volmyr would actually likely be the absolute weakest jumpers. Bats pretty much can't jump, and have terrible leg strength, when it comes to springing off of things. Furthermore, bats can't take off of the ground, so their wings would likely just hinder them. Even factoring in that they've been given wolf strength, and a larger stature, their bodies are likely just not well adapted to jumping, leaving them with rather weak jumps. Luckily for them, though, bats are excellent climbers, so even if they aren't able to take off from the ground, they could still easily scale cliffs. And (not accounting for mass and whatnot) they'd probably be decent fliers once they get into the air, so they do have that. So, overall, terrible jumps, decent flying, and excellent climbing.

Breakdown of my rankings:

1st place: Jocol

2nd place: Lupin

3rd place: Bracchus?

4th: Kit

5th: Zerda

and 6th: Volmyr

Feel free to correct me if you see that I got anything wrong, or made a mistake on! ^w^

1 year ago
The Inspired
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@Sciencemonkey That's an interesting take on volmyr, though quite valid given they were based on fruit bats. Looking at their standing posture however, I'm strongly reminded of pteranodons, which could and did takeoff from the ground via jumping. They could catapult themselves into the air due to the highly developed wing/chest muscles.

Also as a side note, vampire bats are actually really agile little jumpers and can run at a fair speed.


Selling Ace flag wolves! Bargain price!

1 year ago
The Exhausted
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Would this be distance in general, or in ratio to body size? For example, based on what information I could find, a gray wolf and a red fox can both leap up to around 15 feet. So a lupin and kit would match for general distance, but the kit would win it, in ratio to body size.

Apparently a fennec fox can leap about four feet, so it's not a far jumper, either way you measure it. Sorry zerda. lol

Without the use of wings for gliding, I feel like a volmyr would be the worst in ratio to its size, but could easily outleap a zerda, for sure. (I imagine they would awkwardly hop like a dog on hind legs, but with greater strength.) I can't imagine them leaping or even running (certainly not for long) on all fours, as their heavy weight would put a lot of stress on their wings.

I can't find much info on horizontal leaps for the others. If I find anything, I'll come back and edit. So far with what I got though, I feel like, in ratio to body size, the kit is the best long jumper.

Edit: Coyotes can leap up to 12 feet. That makes jocols slightly worse or better than lupins, depending on how you measure it.

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+0 ★ Ping @27 ★
1 year ago
The Curious
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Huh, neat!

Also, jumping vampire bats sounds absolutely adorable!

Thanks for the info! ^w^

1 year ago
The Nimble
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Oooh, I do like the sciencey explanations.

I'm not 100% swayed with Vols being the worst jumpers, just because I've seen t-rex kittens with only hind legs be pretty dang powerful.

@Silvershadow -Ahhh! Thank you. I like putting Kineas front and center sometimes. He's like my first ever wolf character from way back in highschool, so he holds a very special place in my soul.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
1 year ago
The Weaver
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He's a cool wolf :D


I want more pineapples

1 year ago
The Inspired
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@Sciencemonkey If you want to see it either google 'vampire bats jumping' and scroll down until you see 'vampire bats chasing capybaras' or follow the link below. Provided it works.

It shows trail cam footage of capybara being followed by a tiny hopping bat doing a remarkable frog impression. XD


Selling Ace flag wolves! Bargain price!

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