So what would the value of one 5 digit with nice colors/nice id be if they are not a WW?
it depends if it is gen 2, g2 braccus, or bred, but looking around it seems to be between 10-30ms atm (not g2 bracchus)
My puppery! Pure bred G2 bracchus
Quest for a Pretty WW Pair!
If you’re hoping for value, I would let it marinate longer. Probably 2 or 3 years.
Have a blue and orange wolf? I might buy it!
Gen2 Bracchus Trading
Buying MS at 1:30kp 124/600
.. ..loading.. .. ..
@AbyssalRuins @Ezra
The 5 digit in guestion is lupin and I haven't bought him yet, so I am mostly looking for info on how much I should pay for him.
Oh, I’d go with Abyssal’s estimate there. 10-30 ms. Really nice colors, probably the 30ms.