I have this befriended wolf that doesn't fit my aesthetic and I want to sell him, but I'm unsure what he would go for and cant find any pricing guides!
Pricing is wild and crazy; there is really no guide.
There is a price check thread in the official Discord that may be able to help you. Also a ton of buying/selling/trading happens in the Discord, so it's worth checking in when you find a WW like this one. Someone may offer to buy them right away.
Another option is to list them in the Flea Market for a higher price and just steadily lower it until they are bought. :) I usually do this when I'm unsure of a wild wolf's worth.
You could also choose to auction them off in the Forum if you're not against auctions. I do know some people don't enjoy them, but if you don't mind them - it is a decent way to sell wolves.