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1 year ago
The Curious
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Order of wolves in den?

I play 90% on mobile. I've not noticed an issue with the order of wolves when I use the arrows to move from wolf to wolf from their personal profile page until now. This is how I bond with companions. Is there a different ordering logic on mobile vs desktop for which wolves are considered the end of the row and thus the end of the den?

I have a black and purple wolf who is the end visibly when I look at my third den tab on mobile. But using the arrows while bonding with companions, it ends up with a green and purple pastel colored wolf as the rightmost end of the den. I can't remember 100% what I see on desktop because I haven't been on lorwolf on my computer in days, but I'm not understanding why it appears the order jumps around when I swap from wolf to wolf using the profile arrows on the wolf itself vs when I tap on the wolf to navigate from the den.

If this is a bug, I can report it in the bug forum, but it's mystifying and it could just be me not knowing which wolf is in which position on computer vs mobile. My mobile view of the den shows two wolves side by side, so the end of the row might not be the same as what I see as the end on the larger computer optimized view.

1 year ago
The Giant Slayer
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I've noticed this happening to me on desktop if I'm reading you right. The order of wolves, while clicking to the next wolves' profile with the arrow, is not always the same as the order of wolves when you"re looking at the entire den? This happens mostly when I'm going through new pups, I've noticed they rarely are in the same order in profile as they are in the whole den visualized.

Like I said, if that's what it is, it happens on desktop as well. It drives me insane, I wish I could help! To me it seems like it could be a bug, a very difficult one to screenshot lol


1 year ago
The Curious
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Ok, great! It's not just me. It took a lot of brainpower to even work out that it was happening in the first place. Thanks for the validation!

Yeah, I'm not exactly sure how to go about screenshotting it. I can check on desktop later today if I get the chance to crack open my laptop after work. Maybe this is a bug and I should've just posted in the Bug Reports forum.

1 year ago
The Itchy
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This happens to me as well; it is definitely a bug.

Sometimes it skips wolves entirely, so they never actually show up when I'm swapping between wolves using the arrow buttons.

It looks like this bug has already been reported here!


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1 year ago
The Curious
248 Achievements
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Thank you! I didn't see that thread. Looks like I'll just have to deal with it for now.

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