Ever since the releasing wolves payout has been updated to include a guaranteed KBT at level 10, I've been curious about how other people go about training and releasing wolves.
Do you take one wolf or more on your team for campaign grinding? And what level do you release them at?
Personally, I've just been taking wolves that I was planning to sell for pebbles but that I'm unable to for whatever reason, and then attaching my lv10 colpach to them for some bonus XP. I then sometimes take the wolf and colpach duo for campaign grinding to level them up - with my main goal being hunting for WWs so I have something else to keep me occupied.
When the wolf gets to level 10 I release them for the 10kp and token. This process is really slow (about a week long) since I only drain a couple energy bars a day if I'm not settling down for a proper grinding session, so I've been wondering if there's a more efficient method of releasing wolves for money, since tokens aren't really worth it, even if I enjoy getting new WWs. What technique does everyone else use?