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1 year ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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How do I know if my stud wolves were purchased?

Hi all, brand new player here! I've had some mild confusion with the studding feature. I tried to list a wolf for studding, and then realized when I looked at its page it was on a cooldown. I assumed that the person who sent the wolf to me had maybe used it for breeding recently before sending it. So, I checked my next 2 listings beforehand, and they were not on a cooldown. However, now they are. I wasn't keeping a close eye on my pebble count so I have no clue if it went up, and both wolves still appear to be on the market + no notification or anything that they were purchased for studding, but they're definitely on cooldown now! Also, they were up for like maybe only 10-15 minutes....?

Also, as a side question-- if a wolf is studded to someone else, will the offspring show up on the stud's page? Thanks!


Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

1 year ago
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Wolves go into cooldown automatically when they are listed for studding, whether the listing is purchased or not. If you have taken the listing down, you will have to wait out the cooldown now anyway.

You will get a notification when the studding is purchased, and if it expires without having been purchased.

All offspring will show up on the stud's page, yes.

1 year ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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(I hope that was the correct way to tag someone in a post, I haven't figured it out yet)

It was my understanding I could only post a listing for up to 7 days before it expires. How can a wolf be studded if its cooldown is longer than the posting period? Is the way that it works that someone buys it and then both of you wait for the cooldown to be over before the breeding goes through? Or is it immediate for the person purchasing the studding despite the cooldown?


Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

1 year ago
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OK let me see if I can explain better:

Putting a wolf up for stud puts it into a locked status where you cannot breed it yourself unless you buy your own stud listing; the game reading that as the wolf already being in cooldown status is what secures this. It prevents you from accidentally studding to a wolf that you maybe forgot you listed in the FM. You can ONLY stud the wolf through the listing, even if you are breeding to your own female. Once a wolf goes onto the FM in stud listing, all other breeding access is frozen.

Let's say I post a wolf who has a normal 8 days cooldown period, for stud in FM. If no one purchases the wolf, I get a notice that the listing has expired on Day 7. The wolf's cooldown timer continues to tick down, so 24 hours after the listing expires, he reaches day 8 and I can either breed him or list him again. If the wolf breed has a longer normal cooldown, it will remain post-expiration in that cooldown for the normal duration -7 days.

Does that help?

1 year ago
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Also, if someone purchases the breeding via the FM listing, it happens immediately, you get notification that the wolf has been bred, and the normal cooldown timer starts over again.

For this reason most people offering wolves for stud list them for the whole 7 days in order to maximize the chances of a listing purchase, since it's a gamble - if no one purchases the stud listing you are waiting out the cooldown period anyway after it expires. So deciding to offer stud via FM is a commitment to losing that wolf for his breeding cycle this time (unless it is like day 6 and 23 hours and you breed him to one of your own females through "buying" your own listing).

1 year ago
The Sage of Verdancy
347 Achievements
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I think that makes sense. So it sounds like whoever purchases the studding gets the immediate pregnancy result, and the cooldown is only there to prevent me from using it, and the cooldown being in place does not affect whoever bought the studding?


Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

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