Hi all, brand new player here! I've had some mild confusion with the studding feature. I tried to list a wolf for studding, and then realized when I looked at its page it was on a cooldown. I assumed that the person who sent the wolf to me had maybe used it for breeding recently before sending it. So, I checked my next 2 listings beforehand, and they were not on a cooldown. However, now they are. I wasn't keeping a close eye on my pebble count so I have no clue if it went up, and both wolves still appear to be on the market + no notification or anything that they were purchased for studding, but they're definitely on cooldown now! Also, they were up for like maybe only 10-15 minutes....?
Also, as a side question-- if a wolf is studded to someone else, will the offspring show up on the stud's page? Thanks!