Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
1 year ago
The Arena: my two-stars teammates appear as one-star ones


I'm just encountering a bug in the Arena almost since the beginning of the on-going game.

All my creatures currently are level two, but, in each new match, the last ones I levelled up (here, the white monkey and the bear oopsi I cut its lifebar off) still appear as level one in-game, and it seems that they have the same stats as level-one creatures. Because of this (I guess), they die quite quickly. :c

Please find attached to this a little screenshot! This is the very first time it happens (and I play the Arena every day since I registered).

Some more info, just in case it may be useful:
- Happened at midnight GMT+1 (French hour!)
- I'm on Windows 11
- Currently using Firefox
- Connected to a stable Wi-Fi

Thank you in advance if you can take the time to examine this!

Queer and proud ~
11 months ago
The Curious
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HI, I got a very similar but today, had to leave the arena because I was loosing every round. My team wouldn't update properly and kept using placement and companions from the beginning of the arena.

ADHD scattered brain, if I forgot about something, please poke me.

Bork, Bark, Byork! It's AWOOOOOOO o'clock!!!

10 months ago
The Curious
248 Achievements
General Rank 4
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 2
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Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 2

I'm getting this as well. It keeps getting rid of all my companions randomly, only keeping one star ones and which ones randomly at that. The refreshes are not updating, and when they do, I can buy companions only to lose them as soon as the next round starts. The next round after that it shows my 2 star team, sometimes with some of the companions I bought and sometimes none. Incredibly confusing. I had no issues with the seasonal arena, but when I went to try the normal arena, it became entirely unplayable.

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