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1 year ago
how to get stronger?

hello, my wolves are both lvl 1 and they are already encountering lvl 2 enemies which they cant defeat. is there a way to make them stronger or to speed up their xp gain?

1 year ago
The Lurking
288 Achievements
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Hunting Rank 2
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There are 3 methods to gain wolf exp:

  1. Campaign (1xp per successful activity or 1xp per enemy defeated, bulk exp for finishing quests)
  2. Companions
  3. Hunting (only if successful; amount varies with hunt difficulty)

For early game, it helps to switch between the different pack quest storylines- generally the early quests are quick and easy to complete, giving you a nice exp boost. Doing the different pack storylines will not change your affiliation, so don't worry about that! As you grind those early quests, the additional non-quest scenarios you encounter will also help to level up your wolves. Campaign grinding is the fastest way to level up- sticking to the earlier areas also nets you a decent amount of food to refuel your team.

Companions (like the Basidio) that give exp are also a good way to boost experience gain over time. I would also recommend adding Companions to your campaign party if you haven't done so already- even if they are also low level they can be a useful meat shield. I like to put the Companion(s) in the front line for most enemies to keep my stronger wolves alive longer. The early quest lines give you a companion to use.

I don't find Hunts to be a super efficient way to level, but they are also a possibility if you don't mind slowly grinding them.

1 year ago

ok i DID NOT know you can put the companions in the front, that helped a lot X)

thank you for all of the advice! i really appreciate it :3

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