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1 year ago
The Giant Slayer
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ELI5 the Arena. Why so hard T.T

I am not a person who understands games like this at all. I've not found anything that has made it make sense to me. What is this God forsaken thing? Is it possible AT ALL to win against bots? Am I EVER going to get a chance to play anything but bots? Why was the arena made to be so difficult? WHY MUST THERE BE EXCLUSIVE COMPANIONS T.T I wouldn't even touch it otherwise. I am begging for someone to tell me its possible to earn even 1 ticket lol EDIT OH and PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO NOT GET 30TH PLACE EVERY SINGLE TIME


1 year ago

Idk how to explain it sorry but I can give tips?

You see the bar that fills up with the different symbols, or synergies, that match the markers in the creatures? Try to focus on building a team where the synergies stack so you meet the bonuses. They'll do things like make you start a fight with shields, or poison an opponent.

Try to put two bulkier creatures in the front row, since that's where most enemies will target first. If you hover over a creature you can seebits abilities. Things like hard-headed are good front row attackers.

If you have 10, 20, or 30 paws, try to hold them til the end of the round, you get a bonus paw for each 10 paws (capping at 30)

Unless you have a lot of paws to spare or youre desperate dont fish too much, youre better just filling a slot with some youll sell later than refreshing a bunch with nothing to show.

Sometimes if I haven't upgraded a creature yet but I have an extra 2 star of another ill put it in until I have the other one at 2 stars just to get the Stat boost.



Private stud thread (out of date)

I don't know why my links are broken I'm sorry >.<

1 year ago
The Giant Slayer
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Thanks @Vulpini any amount of information is better than my brain can find out on its' own! Everything else has spoiled me lol I've only messed with hunting and gauntlet for so long, I got used to simply matching the synergies and only going a couple rounds for the activity achievement ^.^'


1 year ago
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I follow the above strat. Additionally, synergies are big. I either quit the match because I can't get any decent synergy in the first few rounds, or I get 1st place. You just have to keep playing until you find units that work well together and synergies you like.

My favorite strategies are:

1. Yolo poison + tactician (front: Torcine, Canictonis/Varani, back: stuff with tactician like Icefisher Stork or other poison units to complete the synergy)

2. Yolo pack mentality + tactician (front: Varani/Icefisher, Macauco, back: Colpach x2, Lupin/Grimalkin) (starts off weak, but sweeps the floor later)

Bad synergies are too many tanky units/healers. Stalling will only make you lose 5 points if you go over 20 rounds and you'll lose to poison.

Other companions I may pick (since you don't always get the companions you want, you gotta be flexible. I usually go for a tankier poison team):

Abyssal Thrasher - good for completing poison or tactician synergy and coordinate is nice

Pincher/Sparklequill - nice frontline unit if I want to complete a poison synergy + bleed damage

Other good poison units like Hydra, Lunaria

Grouger - if I want to complete the support synergy

Monstropod - mainly to go with Grouger to complete the support synergy, but it's a decent tank

What I avoid:

Weak passives/attacks like Piercer, Backstab, Patience, Berserk (dunno if it's actually good tbh)

1 year ago
The Star
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There is a guide !

after reading it the bots were honestly super easy to me, though i also like strategy games

1 year ago
The Wanderer
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I didn't understand the arena at first either. The goal is to combine the same cards together to make them two star, then three star cards instead of one star cards. I'm not a wizard by any means, but I can often win against the bots now. I use cards that have the green plus icons (for healing) and the yellow skull icons (that are like poison damage, I think).

1 year ago
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@Reanimagpie you linked to Lord's gauntlet guide not the arena guide :)

1 year ago
The Star
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ah my bad i really can't read these days, the correct guide does in fact exist though, i'm just a little tired to link it rn

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