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1 year ago
The Foodie
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Weird Cancel Listing Bug


Weird bug time

Went to cancel my wolves and re list them for a lower price on the FM

I first searched in Buy for LorWolves (For Sale) and Zerda with Merle Under and Merle Accent ...I was going to check the prices of those Zerda to re price mine

Mine were already sitting there on the first page for 20 ms each, and I wanted to cancel them and price them at 5 ms each

Scrolled down to my listing, canceled all three, then I listed them again for 5 ms each

I go back to my Den - I have 3 notifications - Flea Market Listing Sold

Okay fire, something sold

I open the first one - cool, Tulip sold ! Wait...for 20 ms ? But I canceled and listed him cheaper ? And the two other notifications were sales of his siblings for 20 ms each

But wait - there's more

Tulip and his siblings are sitting in my intake den (as if they just joined my den) and are listed in the FM for the 5 ms

What...happened ?? I dont think I have more MS when I started this...but I did "receive" MS in those messages I must have been "charged" for my wolves first, if I don't have more MS than I did 5 minutes ago??

I canceled and listed multiple wolves - only these siblings were "sold" to me...I also tried to replicate the situation the exact did not "sell" me my wolves again

Just though I'd let someone know lol...there's no way I purchased my wolves and then listed would have asked me for a purchase confirmation each time, and I definitely did not see any because I was just tapping "cancel" on their listing. I though maybe having them pulled up on the "Buy" search up above was bugging it out, but I replicated this same scenario to a T and it did not happen a second time idk WHAT happened lol

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