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1 year ago
Campaign Sequencing Bugs

I posted this in the help section earlier, and someone recommended I put it here c:

I was exploring the campaign today and I came across a dialogue that said I'd met a wild wolf and asked if I wanted to befriend it. I clicked on "befriend" and...immediately got launched into a battle with some bovius? ^^;

The wild wolf dialogue disappeared and I didn't ever get an outcome to whether I befriended it or not; the game just moved on like I'd been wanting to fight cows all along. :(

I did notice this happen a few other times, too, like sometimes I'd try to pick up snails that I'd encountered and suddenly I was inside a cave, or I'd try to enter a cave and suddenly I was in a battle again, unprompted.

TL;DR: Clicking "befriend" the wild wolf (and sometimes other commands) seemed to trigger the battle. I never actually had an encounter with the bovius silhouettes asking if I wanted to attack. I wanted the wolf ^_^; This has happened twice with the wild wolves and about 50-60% of the time with any other campaign encounter just randomly switching to another~ (i.e. clicking "explore cave" suddenly triggers chasing snails, or "attack bovius" triggers searching for raspberries)

I kind of never know when it's going to do what I want it to

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