Variant goals are generally going to be considered for submission based on interest. Or whether I want one for myself. >__>;;
Current project: Tailmouth!
Pose Goals: As many as possible!
Variant Goals: Black, Black+Striped (probably white, neon pink, and neon green), White+Striped, potentially seasonal variants as well
Intended Price: 150ms
Limited Run? No (seasonal variants may be seasonal runs, though)
Progress: Bracchus F, Jocol M/F, Kit M, Lupin M/F, Volmyr M
CA is intended for the CA Shop but I am also willing to take preorders!(i have a soft spot for early-00s emo/scene aesthetic ok //cries)
Future Ideas:
(these are just really rough sketches for the ideas, let me know if you're interested and i can do whatever next)
Sinister Tailmouth:
Tail on a String:
...i promise i make serious art sometimes