Hey there!
Joined LW a while ago and have mostly been lurking! Usually I hang out on the FR servers/forums instead (Linking to my progen on FR because I've been gathering likes for him ^^), but I've been playing LW sporadicaly the past few months. Might be hanging out on these forums on occasion!
Love reading (I enjoy most genres but tend to avoid more explicit romance focussed books), drawing, tea and I used to watch a ton of anime in middle/high school, so if you ask me about stuff that came out 6+ years ago I'll prly have watched it! Kept up with a lot of older manga, but haven't started many new series, haha...
Grew up watching nature documentaries, mythbusters, old Chinese movies, dubbed anime and Dutch tv, and then I rejected popular media and smart phones in middle school. Have not seen many movies/netflix/youtube stuff since, so I will not understand most references. Be warned: any attemps at humor from me will primarily be funny for me. I kinda don't care if you get my elementary school humor bread+cheese+soy sauce jokes XD
Have dabbled in a bunch of creative pasttimes, but lack interest and insight in music: generally I need an image to understand the feeling sound is trying to communicate. Also, despite following game desig courses, I haven't played many games outside of the pokemon franchise and FR, so there is that.
Have a lovely day!