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1 year ago
Fishing Error in Backwoods Brook

I encountered a fishing error today after accidentally choosing the Peaceful Pond venue to fish. I immediately backed out of the instance by clicking the back button on my browser and opened a Backwoods Brook fishing mini-game. Once there I was largely unable to fish as 1/3 of the items would appear as blank squares with only the outline of the square itself and an error was popping up on my screen noting that "something had gone wrong while fishing." I tried to grab a screenshot but was unable to do so. I believe that the ripples were being duplicated from the previous Peaceful Pond instance, but not generating as valid (correctly), as I was seeing quite a few instances of three instant ripples all at the same time on my screen, and only one of them popped up an error message when selected. The other two were valid items or fish.

The error message popped up for each item which did not correctly register, which was 5-8 times. I lost count as I was still trying to play my fishing turn.

1 year ago

i've had this happen before after misclicking peaceful pond, backing out, then selecting another area before the duration of the peaceful pond turn would have been up. it wastes another turn as most of the items caught in the zone are blank squares and "something went wrong while fishing"

11 months ago
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I've been grinding achievements and starting and ending fishing trips as soon as I get in for one of them, but every time I decide to fish after doing that once or so this happens in backwoods brook(no issues in peaceful pond)

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