Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
1 year ago
The Furry
301 Achievements
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Campaign Stuck?

I want to continue the campaign for Goldsea, my last quest was to collect wareroot which I did, I turned the quest in and the wareroot are still in my inventory. I've been exploring in the unlocked areas to see if I pick up any quests and I haven't. Did I miss something?

ETA: I have Join the Icerun pack as a quest because I checked the main city in that region to see if it had a quest for me. I don't plan on switching packs, do I need to remove the quest? If so, how?


|| Believer in Bracchus supremacy! ||

1 year ago
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@Raine After the wareroot quest there is another in the Goldsea campaign called "How The Mite-y Have Fallen". It looks like you should be funneled into that one as soon as you finish with the wareroot, you could try going back to the area where the that quest was and looking at the possible encounters for the area before you hit 'explore'. Maybe you clicked away from the campaign before doing the very last part of the quest? If that's the case it should show up in the possible encounters so you can finish it and start the next one.

As for doing Icerun's campaign quests, you don't need to remove anything! You can do the quests for all the packs without changing allegiances, and it's actually recommended that you do everything eventually so that you can unlock all the campaign areas.

If anyone else has better advice please chime in! It's been a while since I did the Goldsea campaign so I might have forgotten something :o


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1 year ago
The Furry
301 Achievements
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 3
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 2

I believe I have done that quest as well, if it was fighting the really big isopods I have finished it. In the possible encounters list for the areas I have unlocked they all don't show any quests.


|| Believer in Bracchus supremacy! ||

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