Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
1 year ago
The Curious
248 Achievements
General Rank 4
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 2
Worth Selling Crops?


I've just started (yesterday) and I've gotten the hang of things rather quickly. I always enjoy farming, fishing, cooking etc mechanics, and I've gotten a handful of recipes, crops etc going.

My question is, knowing that it will take quite a while before I reach the cooking level to utilize some of the crops (corn as an example!), is it worth it to sell from the inventory things that I can't cook at this time? I'm raising my farming level mostly with corn, and it's useless to me right now even though I'm growing a lot of it for the experience, but at higher levels there are recipes for me to use as a crop-sink, so to speak. I've peeked at the recipe list guide specifically to figure out if there will be a use for all this corn. Even at just 3 pebbles an ear, small amounts add up vs letting eventual hundreds of crop items gather dust in my inventory, only for me to not use it up once I get around to making the recipes that use it. This would go for others, too, but corn is the major offender right now, so that's my example.

Or, is it too early to tell yet if I should stockpile? Are people at the higher levels needed for like the veggie platter thing, etc? I've poked around on the forums and know going into the game that there are economy problems currently. Do crops have a user-based market/need, or should they be inventory sold like the trinkets not currently used for hunting?

1 year ago

I feel like selling them to vendor is a bit of a waste, better to use them yourself for feeding your wolves or selling them in bulk on the FM. imo, you can't ever have too much food as most money making guides require you to fight in the campaign over and over again and you need the food to do that

1 year ago

hi raus! [waves]

if you have the time to grind the adventure/explore, i'd recommend hanging on to the corn to feed to your wolves. you will be able to collect more pebbles from farming exploration and selling the drops than selling the corn outright.

however if you don't really have the free time to sit around refreshing and clicking the same exact "continue" button several thousand times, don't feel guilty about selling the corn for some spending money! there's just sort of... not a ton to spend pebbles on at the moment, haha. a handful of apparel items, crafting recipes, and the farming seeds is pretty much it. this is a separate issue and one that many people are getting very worried about.

1 year ago
The Curious
248 Achievements
General Rank 4
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 2

Hey there! It's nice to see a familiar face haha.

I see, thanks for the answers both of you! I've been doing pretty well keeping my wolves fed with cooked fish and eggs from hunting, so I haven't yet had to resort to feeding raw food. I suppose there will come a time, though. I'm sure it gets exponentially harder with more than just your progens kicking about and multiple professions running all the time.

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