I've just started (yesterday) and I've gotten the hang of things rather quickly. I always enjoy farming, fishing, cooking etc mechanics, and I've gotten a handful of recipes, crops etc going.
My question is, knowing that it will take quite a while before I reach the cooking level to utilize some of the crops (corn as an example!), is it worth it to sell from the inventory things that I can't cook at this time? I'm raising my farming level mostly with corn, and it's useless to me right now even though I'm growing a lot of it for the experience, but at higher levels there are recipes for me to use as a crop-sink, so to speak. I've peeked at the recipe list guide specifically to figure out if there will be a use for all this corn. Even at just 3 pebbles an ear, small amounts add up vs letting eventual hundreds of crop items gather dust in my inventory, only for me to not use it up once I get around to making the recipes that use it. This would go for others, too, but corn is the major offender right now, so that's my example.
Or, is it too early to tell yet if I should stockpile? Are people at the higher levels needed for like the veggie platter thing, etc? I've poked around on the forums and know going into the game that there are economy problems currently. Do crops have a user-based market/need, or should they be inventory sold like the trinkets not currently used for hunting?