I came here from FlightRising, where there's a huge G1 culture - I'd know, I'm a G1 collector over there - and I was surprised to find that wild wolves just don't honestly appeal to me at all! I came into this game fully expecting to really be into WWs, but I'm having so much more fun collecting G2+s so far.
I think the big difference for me is that it can be really hard to find a WW that looks even half as nice as a bred one, at least right now when there's not too many in circulation. On FR, if a G1 has bad colors, then you can hide that with strategic gening or leaving one of their genes basic, and that's not really an option on Lorwolf right now. If you get a nice double WW with great natural colors except they have, like, a neon green accent, you're just stuck with that. For me, I think that's keeping my interest away from the WW market.
Has anyone else had a similar experience to me, expecting to be into WWs but just not seeing the appeal? Or are there reasons you really love WWs? I'm super curious!