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1 year ago
Wild Wolf Hunter
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[H] Bracchus Breed Change [LF] 4D WWs

Forum idea is inspired from Riverglow!

I have a bracchus breed change myself which I am putting up for offers for 4D ww’s

I am mostly interested in 4ID WW in the range of 1xxx 2xxx 3xxx but feel free to offer and higher depending of the colours or quantity offered

1 year ago

I have a bunch in my Besprinkling den if you wanna take a look.


1 year ago
The Inspired
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@Morus I only have the one 4 digit but he's in the 3000s and is a nice gradient pastel pink. He's also one off a double with a base of pearl and underside of pastel.


Selling Ace flag wolves! Bargain price!

1 year ago
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@Morus I don't suppose you missed my last ping but I am now interested in swapping for your Bracchus scroll for one of my 1ks :) Sorry for changing things up!

Edit for clarity's sake



1 year ago
Wild Wolf Hunter
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@Fai I could definitely do that if you are still up for a trade, sorry for not answering earlier!

So hard to choose between blizzard or Evercloud but at the end I would go with Ever

The reason why I made this post is because Riverglow traded they’re scroll for two 1xxx and because I have two bracchus scrolls myself, I could offer one in trade for your girl and another for some other low id’s.

1 year ago
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@Morus aaaa someone else snatched the trade first for Ever I'm sorry! ;;

If you're still interested in Blizzard, let me know! I can add on others, just lmk who you're interested in



1 year ago
Wild Wolf Hunter
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It seems I was short of few seconds, at the time of writing the comment she was still around.

I would be open for other trades but the reason I’ve been so slow to replay is because I am in the middle of some trades on Fr and one of the users have similar WW in the range of 1xxx with some spectacular colour scheme. It’s a tough choice beetween Blizzard and the other ones for being similar in good colours. You can probably quess, Evercloud was competting with those two with her having the upper hand on the lowest I’d.

I am not much active on pet sites the same I used to be as a kid but I want that piece of nostalgia and I am looking for very few WW to enjoy custom art on them. I already made that mistake by gathering an abundance of G1 on my Fr account which I am looking to downsize so I understand your struggle with the sales.

I hope this brings enough transparency on my reason of hesitancy on getting back to you about the offer of a bracchus scroll

1 year ago
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@Morus totally understandable! The reason I was a bit impatient on my end was because someone offered me a 5 digit G1 for a chunk of things, so I decided I didn't want to wait around too much longer and watch 4 threads (2 in discord, 2 on site). For the sake of transparency on both ends!

Someone else offered a swap and I was having a hard time reading your position on it, so I decided to go ahead with the faster option. I apologize for that!

Take your time and let me know what you're feeling. I'm waiting another day or so on parts to arrive so I can see colors normally again, so I prioritize item offers over dragon offers.

I will highlight some other wolves if it's of any help! As, again, anything in the unclaimed tab is 100% open for consideration:

8887 isn't my cup of tea, was gonna be a scatter wolf tbh if you like 8

5552 has fun sunset vibes

I have two 3k series in 3518 and 3681

My best color schemes have to be:

25460 with solid blues and pastel eyes, I would include the CA as well. She has already placed first in a pageant.

52325 who is a Palindrome, double horizon blue+purple child with generally soft tones and the most unique markings I have ever made in her scry (I just love the stripes and if she doesn't sell I wouldn't be too sad to keep her forever haha!) I would also include her CA :)



1 year ago
Wild Wolf Hunter
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A small bumb for more visibility and will get back to everyone’s offers soon!

Thank you for taking a look at this thread

1 year ago
The Fishy
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I can offer these two 4d WW together for the scroll: - Unbred, cohesive colors - Bred, cohesive colors

If the second one being bred is a dealbreaker, I have this 5d WW who is all natural colors that I can add instead:

1 year ago


I can offer these 4Ds, and I've got a couple double-color 5Ds I can add if they are of any interest.

1976 - bred once, with 2623

2623 - bred once, with 1976

2234 - unbred

4060 - unbred

37191 - unbred, ABCCD double

53924 - unbred, ABCBD double

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