I hate to look ignorant in english, but it's my third language ... and even if I use it everyday, it's hard to always be at the same pace a native speakers.
I have a question on what "studding" is exactly because I realized today that I didn't know what it translates to even if I had a VAGUE idea of what it was due to how it works on Lorwolf.
When I look on internet it gives me:
- "decorate or augment (something) with many studs or similar small objects."
- "scatter or cover (something) with many small objects or features."
"Old English studu, stuthu ‘post, upright prop’; related to German stützen ‘to prop’. The sense ‘ornamental metal knob’ arose in late Middle English."
But this doesn't really enlighten me on what "studding" actually means... and why can only males stud? Like, you need both female and male to produce pups so studding doesn't mean "mating" because if it did then females could also be borrowed to other pack to produce pups then go back to their own pack? I'm genuinely confused on the translation and not finding a definition of the word is kind of hard :/
I've checked Merriam-Webster; Collins dictionary etc. all the big names.
If anyone can link me to a definition so I could translate the word my native tongue it would be very helpful, so it could help me understand also why can only male wolves be studded?