Just a minor (and hopefully quick & easy?) QoL fix! With the forum updates a while back we got page numbers added to the tops of threads for easier navigation. This is fantastic, but there are still a lot of locations on the site where they're only on the bottom. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary scrolling. I would love to see page numbers added to the top pretty much everywhere.
Some locations in particular:
- Custom Apparel shop
- Flea Market
- Companions page
- "Select New Party Member" window (campaign, gauntlet, fishing, mining, hunting)
Outside of individual threads, there are also more locations on the forums that don't have page numbers on top. This isn't quite as needed as the other locations because most of these pages are currently pretty short, but is still worth mentioning for consideration.
Feel free to chime in with more spots missing top pagination if you find any!