Wolf #121858 - Flamingo (lorwolf.com)
Auctioning a lovely pastel pink wolf! She's the very opposite of the den aesthetic I am going for and I got a lot of offers out the gate for her so I figured an auction would be best so I don't have to make any decisions on who to sell her to.
Because I am a coward.
I will be checking in, answering questions and updating bids at 9pm server time each night until the end date. The Auction will end on Saturday 22nd at 9pm PST.
Starting Bid: 5 MS
Final Bid: 3.7k MS - kuromi
Minimum Bid Increase: No MI but please be reasonable. <3
Start date: Now :)
End date: July 22nd at 9pm PST.
Snipe Guard: 1 Hour
Please ping the person you outbid
General Pinglist:
@Zelda#163 @Kaial#6630 @kitjack#5385
LDP Pinglist:
@Rose @Kaial @Zelda @SATURN @Bloomed @Kitjack @kuromi @Toki