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1 year ago
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[ToS] Referral links and Family!

Hey guys =)

with the new referral links i just had a few questions i hope people could answer!

- where does different accounts with family members end and multi accounts start?

Thing is, a friend joined through my referral link and was wondering, if her siblings would like to play this game as well. so i got this question in mind and was wondering, where multi accounts start.

is it allowed to have multiple accounts for one ip (like family members joining/playing together on a device)?

would they be allowed to trade or gift things to eachother? or is every additional family member in general a "multi account" and isn't allowed to play or at least interact with someone from the family?

Couldn't find anything in the rules so i hope the staff can help with that question =)

- and if someone makes "multiple accounts" because of my referral link, would i be liable?

hope someone can help with the topic =D

edit: will keep it open so a mod or admin can replying and so people see it in case they have similar question just in case =)

1 year ago

Multiple people in the same household can make their own accounts, that by itself is not multi-accounting. I don't see why they wouldn't be allowed to trade or interact with each other, as long as they're not all funneling resources into one "main" account. So as long as your friend's siblings aren't just giving her all their wolves, and are actually playing for themselves, it should be fine.

(I'm not a mod or anything but I've seen this question before and the general consensus is it's fine. My sibling and I live together and both play and haven't had an issue.)



Private stud thread (out of date)

I don't know why my links are broken I'm sorry >.<

1 year ago
140 Achievements
General Rank 2
Arena Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

actually, i know games where people in the same household aren't allowed to interact, reason i asked after all =)

thanks for letting me know!

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