Hello! Just a quick question regarding the new referral links.
Are we allowed to bribe people to use our referral links to create an account for the new companions?
For example, if I have a Flight Rising account, can I list my link and tell people that once they reach companion level 50 and we get the puppy reward, I will give them FR items/currency?
Follow-up question if the answer is yes: if someone goes around creating multiple accounts to get these bribes (ie, they create one account using my referral code to get my FR non-account bound bribe, and then go to someone else and make an account to get their bribe, or if they already have a LW acct and create another to get my bribe) would I be liable in any way?
I am seeing threads pop up already with a clear aim towards giving people other pet site stuff even if they have no interest in LW, and I am wondering if that is in some way funneling or a type of multi-accounting? And if they decide to multi-account to get various other people’s bribes, would the referrers be liable for that?
I refuse to do this until I get an actual answer from a mod because no way am I risking my LW account for some puppies, but also this is the only way I could reasonably get the puppies with the current set up, and clearly other people have already had this same thought.