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1 year ago
The Dogged
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Development Update - July

We hope everyone has been enjoying their summer so far. We're excited to bring you some new updates for the month of July! To start off, the achievement system's launch date has been set for Saturday, August 6th. After a few more weeks of testing and balancing, we look forward to unveiling this highly anticipated feature. To see a full list of everything that was updated recently, check out the Patch Notes.

What's new?

  • Poll Results & Roadmap Update
  • Refer-A-Friend Feature
  • Puppy/Bloodline Predictor

New Profession Poll Results & Roadmap Update

Points have been tallied, Archaeology won the poll with an impressive 52% of votes! Players will be able to embark on a treasure hunt using the archaeology profession to unearth ancient artifacts and hidden rewards. As shown in the updated roadmap below, production is set to start the beginning of October:

Additionally, coding work on the inventory vault mechanic will begin in December. Based on player feedback, we have decided to implement a vault feature independent from the banking profession. This vault will allow players to set aside precious items, providing a secure space within their den to store and safeguard their treasures.

The roadmap has been adjusted according to our ever-evolving development goals. Now that the Puppy Predictor and Forums revamp have been completed, the code team has adjusted their plans to include the new Archaeology profession and Inventory Vault projects. The Mole Market Revamp project has been extended to last through the month of August.

As a reminder, we still plan on implementing the other two professions in the poll (Banking and Ranger), but at a later stage.

Refer-A-Friend Feature

We're very excited to unveil Lorwolf's brand new Refer-A-Friend feature - simply invite your friends to play Lorwolf and earn rewards!

How it works:

As of today, new users can add a referrer when registering for an account. Simply send your unique referral link to a friend and receive 100 Moonwater once they have created an account. Then, once your friend has achieved a total Companion level of 50 or higher, you can claim 1 Refer-A-Friend Companion. Please note that players cannot make referrals retroactively, i.e., those that have already registered for an account cannot add a referrer. The Refer-A-Friend section can be found on the Profile page.


Referrals automatically grant 100 Moonwater to both the referrer and the referee. To receive an Orthrus Companion, the referred player must achieve a total Companion level of 50 or above. After this requirement has been met, both players can claim one Refer-A-Friend Companion of their choice - the Wildtail, Eclipsed, or Rustfluff Orthrus. The Glintfire and Starlume versions may be claimed once the player has referred at least three people. All versions are soulbound and limited to 1 of each per account.

Puppy/Bloodline Predictor

We're thrilled to share that our Wolf Demo has been given an exciting upgrade! In this enhanced version, players now have the ability to create new wolves, store their unique designs, and predict puppy genetics, including full color ranges.

How it works:

Save any of your Wolf Demo designs by clicking the green "Save Current" button. Saved designs can easily be re-loaded into the demo, or used in the Puppy Predictor. The Puppy Predictor allows players to input one male and one female wolf design to check for inbreeding and generate the pair's potential offspring including the color ranges and their genetic traits.

Speaking of puppies, the code team has enabled the use of specialty items on puppies due to popular demand. Puppies will now display on the wolf selection modal when selecting a specialty item to use.

We hope you have a blast using the new demo, and we invite you to share your designs with us and the community on social media by tagging @Lorwolf!

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
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Super happy to see the Wolf Demo update! Very much something that I suspect will be well received. Thank you for your hard work!

Definitely going to have to see about referring friends. Those new companions are cuties!


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
The Loving
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The referral companions are super cute but I really hope that there's a way to get at least one of them through other forms of gameplay. The synergies they provide are very valuable and some of those don't have anyone who would be interested in playing long enough to reach a level 50 companion level, let alone five people. :')

want to hold the puppies in my arms...

1 year ago
Bask in the sunlight
58 Achievements
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thanks for all you do!


Flight Rising Sage || LW -7 || 23 y/o || Mom || AuDHD

1 year ago
The Nimble
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Love the new changes and new seeds and what not! It's also nice to see that the vault is going to be seperate from banking! I'm sure a lot of people are going to be super happy with that.
I'm not too too fond of the refer a friend rewards, because spamming friends never really sit right with me when it comes to pet sims.
Edit- A lot of mine also joined at the same time and left because it was too slow going at first.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
1 year ago
The Merciless
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Thanks for what you do :3


Woofs I'm looking for! | Wild Woof Hunting! | My Favorite <3 || NO FRIEND REQUESTS |

Please ping unless stated otherwise on the thread, ty!
1 year ago

HECK YEAH WE CAN DO BREED CHANGES ON PUPS NOW! Thank you guys! Also I noticed we can see old notifications now, that is really cool. A nice small update with some QoL and communication, I like it

Edit: Oh hey, first page! Nice


I'm just a silly little dragon playing a silly little wolf game <3

1 year ago

Super psyched for archeology and the vault features!!! The pup predictor works great, and I love how many possibilities it shows! Highlighting the parts of the color wheel that the range is in looks nice in my opinion. :)

Looks like work has been going steadily, and I'm very excited to start saving my demo design plans! Great work, everyone!

My only complaint is making the new companions referral-exclusive. Five is a lot of different companions that people with social anxieties/not many friends are going to have to put up with just...not getting or paying ridiculous prices for. (Not to mention most day one players have ALREADY referred all of their friends and are gonna get nothing to show for it) Referral bonus exclusives are definitely a direction that I don't support...

EDIT: Oh the companions are soulbonded..............well looks like I'm never getting those. 😅

1 year ago
The Combatant
ask for pronouns
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Pig is pog or something cause I'm too tired to write a signature

1 year ago
The Handy
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really not loving the referral rewards. I've been playing Flight Rising for years and have been able to refer exactly zero people - not so much because I want the rewards but because I want to play with my friends. Lets face it, pet-clicking-browser games are for a very specific type of personality. And now I have to worry about collecting FIVE companions by doing this?! This is pain.

1 year ago
465 Achievements
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Mining Rank 5

Aww, this update is very fun but I hope you can reconsider making the new companions referral only n__n;; I'm generally too shy to bug people, and I've also already referred the people I know who would be interested in playing so there are no rewards for having done that already...

Since these companions are soul-bound, it will be very hard to complete a collection now.

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