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1 year ago
Arena fights

Hi, I'm new here an I have a problem with the arena fights. In the tutorial, it says that when you have the same model multiple times, they will combine automatically, but that doesn't seem to work. Is there anything I'm overlooking, something I have to do before it works? Also, the tutorial states that everyone who doesn't leave the game early will earn one Arena token, but that as well didn't work out. I stayed in the game until it ended and still got no tokens. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

1 year ago
The Restless
He/him - ID 2998
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Welcome! You need to have at three of a given "level" of model in the game for them to combine. So, three 1-stars makes a 2- star, and three 2-stars makes a 3-star. (Does not go any higher than 3 stars.) You won't get a ticket if you're in last place. If you were higher than last place, it may have been a bug.

Arena is really frustrating when you first start out, but it's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Hope to have a round with you some day!


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Keyboard Campaigning Resource - Guide to using your keyboard in campaign (not my creation)

1 year ago

Okay, thank you! That helps a lot, I thought I needed only two of the same kind

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