Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
1 year ago
I am new, asking for some help

Hey. If this is the wrong place to post this, please kindly direct me to the right place. Thank you!

I just joined yesterday and is overwhelmed by the number of forum guide/giveaway posts. So if someone can give a quick crash course to what I am supposed to do right now to earn the most possessions/money in the shortest time, and the different things in this game. Greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!

Any help, monetary or advice, is greatly appreciated, once again. Tyyyyyy!!!


1 year ago
The Stinky
205 Achievements
General Rank 3
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

honestly? as a fairly new player myself, my first recommendation in summary would be to check out the list of Activities and do those things! those will get you pebbles first and foremost, and sometimes get you a few other things:

the timer shows when these activities will refresh, but you'll get new ones added once you've claimed the rewards of one!

i would honestly say the best thing to do to get the ball rolling would be to follow the Campaign, and then Cook the food you get from that (if you check this thread there's a guide to what you can cook at what level, but also it's fun to experiment and just discover stuff!) - exploring in Campaign will often net you food, and will level up your lorwolves, so it's relatively self-sustaining as far as stamina-draining activities go

Mining is also a fairly cost-free activity, you don't need to equip a pickaxe or wheels to do it, you just send your wolf between the mining area and the furnace to mine ore and then smelt it!

as much as i'm recommending these, i also do recommend you start out Hunting as soon as possible - you need to have well-fed wolves for this, but there are hefty payouts for doing hunts, AND unique resources (i spent my first two days wondering where leather came from for some of the crafting recipes...)

speaking of Crafting - make ALL the bone paste you can. whenever you can make bone paste? make it. everything needs bone paste pretty much! i would also recommend once you have the materials that you make pickaxes and wheels often as these will make Mining a lot faster

once you have a few Pebbles, it's worth checking out the Mole Market, I would recommend you buy up all the food you can from there to give yourself a boost for other activities. that said, you CAN get a free item every so often from the Mole Market too

Fishing is also something i'd recommend checking out once you've got a few more pebbles, as earlier levels you'll want to pay Koda to fish for you so you're getting a more constant stream of XP, and early fishing can be quite slow

i hope this helps even a little and i hope you enjoy Lorwolf as much as i have been ❣️

1 year ago

Hello, welcome to lorwolf!

I would recommend following the activities at the top of the page-all of those things will reward you with pebbles, one of the site's currencies, and get you used to the game play loop. (Except the gauntlet, it's ridiculous until you have a bunch of high-level wolves and companions and I hate it lol)

The main in-game store, the Mole Market, refreshes every 6 hours, and you can get a free item there. Try to claim it if you can, they're helpful in the beginning when you don't have as much.

I don't participate in most of the giveaway forums so I can't offer as much advice there, but people are very generous and helpful. Don't be afraid to ask for things you want/need.

I will say this about the site's economy: it is a very new site, and the economy is very volatile and subjective. Somebody might value a wolf for hundreds if moonstones while somebody else would trade it for 5. The only things that have objective value are things that are in limited supply, beta/kickstarter items. So focus on what matters to you. If you want nothing but jocols, don't worry about the bracchus craze (the "most valuable" wolf because the breed change item was Kickstarter exclusive, but anyone can breed/buy one.)

If you have any other questions I'm happy to try and help ❤️ And if you want, I've been training up some wolves to level 10 to give away anyway in In this den here if you want one. It will make exploring easier since they won't be knocked out by anything until the 3rd area.



Private stud thread (out of date)

I don't know why my links are broken I'm sorry >.<

1 year ago
Thank you to everyone who replied! I 'll try to do what is advised rn tyyy
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