What do I do with corn, I have so much of it and I have wolfs to feed! D:
Spamy- Yup it's me, the gal :] FL: Spamy#679823
You can feed it to them! Go to your Auto feed settings on your den and add corn to be auto fed. It will probably end up being added to a cooking recipe eventually too
Visit here!
It is in two recipes! The veggie platter and the veggie feast!
How do I go about obtaining these recipes?
Also curious @Synesthesia ^^
Brachus Interest check/ presale :) Red, pink, blue, purple, maroon, etc
(parents of above brachus pups...)
Hi! My name is Lydia, feel free to friend me or just chat :) I love to talk!
@Spamy @Chickadee They've been compiled all right here! https://www.lorwolf.com/Forum/View?id=2904 It's great so you can plan ahead as to what foods you want to keep making and what you don't really need to.
@Synesthesia Alright, thank you!