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1 year ago
The Rival
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How much would a double ww sell for?

The one I found is not particularly pretty, but is she still worth any more than a regular ww? Here's her information, I'm still not entirely sure how to add her image yet.

Eyes: Rust
Accent: Brush Ice
Under: Timber Acai
Top: Brush Potato
Base: Potato
1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
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You can add wolf images by doing {Wolf(ID)} Replace the "ID" part with the actual wolf ID. ^^

As for the double, she is definitely worth more than a regular ww. As to how much more, that can vary wildly with doubles. Since she isn't an eye double, I'd assume you'd be able to get more as well - even if she isn't the prettiest. Your best bet if you'd like to sell would be to pick a higher price and put her up on the Flea Market, and reduce till she sells, or try to find someone in the Forum who is interested.

There may be someone out there more knowledgeable with the current standings of doubles, but this is how I've chosen to sell mine personally and it can work out with a little patience.

Congrats and best of luck selling her!


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