Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Our September Dev Update has been posted here.
1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
206 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 807
General Rank 2
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Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2
Nap's Wild Wolf Hunting Service

Status: CLOSED to catch up on orders

If ordering with food, you may order 1 wolf max at this current time.

I had a previous thread, but I wanted to clean things up and separate, so we are going ahead with a new thread. Previous thread located here.

Hi there! I am Nap and I absolutely enjoy befriending wolves. It's still my favorite past time on LW and I still very much enjoy hunting for others. It turns out that this service is decently popular, so I figured I'd keep a thread running as long as I had the time to do so.


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
206 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 807
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2


You can choose any of these options. If ordering with MS, you may order when slots are closed, may order as many wolves as you wish, and you are automatically bumped to 2nd in waiting queue.


  • Moonstones: 15 MS per 1 wolf.
  • Pebbles: 300,000 pebbles per 1 wolf.

Food Items

  • 3,000 of any food that restores 5 stamina per 1 wolf.
  • 2,000 of any food that restores 10 stamina per 1 wolf.
  • 1,500 of any food that restores 15 per 1 wolf.
  • 1,000 of any food that restores 20 stamina per 1 wolf.
  • 500 of any food that restores 60 stamina per 1 wolf.

Custom Apparel

(I accept any and all CA)

  • 19MS to 50MS CA - 2 wolves
  • 51MS to 75MS CA - 4 wolves
  • 76MS to 99MS - 6 wolves
  • 100MS+ - 8 wolves


  • 9,000 Common Hunting Trophy per 1 wolf.
  • 5,000 Green Succulent per 1 wolf.
  • 5,000 Basidio Spores per 1 wolf.
  • 2,000 Blue Succulent per 1 wolf.
  • 800 Yellow Goldstone per 1 wolf.
  • 800 Blue Goldstone per 1 wolf.
  • 80 Dragon Plush, Cuddly per 1 wolf.
  • 80 Dragon Plush, Jinglebell per 1 wolf.


  • 5,000 Bones per 1 wolf.
  • 5,000 White Candlestick per 1 wolf.


  • Bracchus Breed Change Scroll - Will take 1 scroll per 60 wild wolves.
  • Gen 1 Bracchus - Will take one Gen 1 Bracchus per 40 wild wolves.
  • 4 Digit WW - Will take one 4 Digit per 20 wild wolves.

Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
206 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 807
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2

How it works

Please fill out the form below. I will let you know whether I've accepted your request or not. Once accepted, you will go in the waiting queue. Once I reach your order, the next wild wolves I capture till your request is complete, will go to you. I will not be keeping any so whatever rng gives me while hunting for you, is what you'll end up with. A good chance for some lovely IDs and colors that way, or on the unlucky end, the opposite. Will rng be in your favor?

Once I have completed your request, I will send a trade with your wolves included. It is at that time I will request payment. You may send payment before, if you wish. I will not accept/offer anything for trade until your order is complete.


I reserve the right to hunt for myself in between completed orders. Once I start an order, any wolf I catch, [This does not include the 50 Knucklebone hunt. I reserve those for myself.] will go towards that order until it is complete - 100% guarantee. However I once every so often like to hunt for myself before starting another order. You can check the status of orders here. If it's “in progress” I am actively hunting for that order. If it's “not started” I am currently hunting for myself or busy in real life and can't get to orders at that moment.

If it takes over two weeks/14 days for your order, (of less than 10 wolves) to be completed, that order is completely free.



How many wolves?:


Anything else?:

Waiting Queue

  1. LovedLittleOsa [Raffle winner] - 1 wolf
  2. PZM [Raffle winner] - 1 wolf


So far, a total of 103 requests have been completed for a total of 283 wild wolves captured!


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
206 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 807
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2

Pinglist for open slots

(Comment/message me if you'd like to be put on here or taken off)

@/Kuro @/Rum @/Summits @/Alestrius @/pothos @/Refractor @/Dierdre @/Zelda @/Apsidee @/Highland @/Riku @/Haunt @/Fai @/Fiain @/Chickadee @/Felius @/WolfByte @/Jinghua @/Husky @/Tighnari @/Aenocyon @/SATURN @/IndigoCat @/Starsilver @/PZM @/himarry124


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
206 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 807
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2

Some highlight captures from the last batch of orders!

Don't like that your wolf is featured? Message me and I will immediately remove them.


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
206 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 807
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2

@Kuro @Rum @Summits @Alestrius @pothos @Refractor @Dierdre @Zelda @Apsidee @Highland @Riku @Haunt @Fai @Fiain @Chickadee @Felius @WolfByte

New thread and five more slots open! This week is busier for me, so expect the orders to be completed slower. Thanks <3


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
133 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 17
Forum Comments: 213
General Rank 2
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

Username/ID: Zelda #163

How many wolves?: 2

Payment?: 75k and 8,000 common hunting trophies

Anything else?: You are an angel for taking hunting trophies T^T

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
206 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 807
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2


<3 Glad the hunting trophies option is being used. Figured there were people out there that struggle with pebbles, but have a ton of those trophies sitting uselessly due to not wanting to sell them by 100. This way they can at least get a wolf with them, haha. Order accepted!


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
41 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 12
Forum Comments: 112

Username/ID: Highland

How many wolves?: 2

Payment?: ms

Anything else?: thank you!



1 year ago
133 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 17
Forum Comments: 213
General Rank 2
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

I am crossing my fingers for a change to that! I want to be able to sell everything at once T^T

1 year ago
114 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 1
Farming Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1

Username/ID: Riku #3669

How many wolves?: 2

Payment?: pebbles

Anything else?: thank you for doing this

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