@Tooru That link is great for the recipes themselves, but I'm looking for something that tells me where I can find the ingredients for them. I'm trying to make all of them and am missing ingredients. I checked the Items Guide, but it didn't have most the ingredients either.
Yep! You can find Milk, Peppers, and some other things. You can also find some of the foods in hunts too. That is absolutely how I have about 500 white strawberries. XD
@seakittens Only the lower level encounter gives ingredients, the higher one gives experience (or I have bad luck and I only get experience lol) You can get milk, yoghurt, cream, oil, leek, salt, pepper, the various chili peppers, some flowers (just going off memory right now)
You can get the lobster, shrimp etc. from the highest fishing area. The greylings and char are from the one level 35 one.
Twinkling broccoli, turnips, pears, sugar cane, rainbow corn etc. are Mole market only. Maybe they drop from the encounter but I've yet to get them.
Potatoes, honey are from hunting and cave bears.
The various breads are from the cooking event shop.
Not super precise or helpful, just going from memory. If there's anything in particular you need, I might know.
@SCB Thanks! That's good to know. I'm just going down the recipe list for now. Though I'll have to stop before level 30 since I'm only at Level 28 for now.